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I guess I was unattached, until Harry came along. And then Ethan came along.

I found myself with people to talk to at lunch, and things to talk about, and it felt good. I only saw Harry at lunchtimes, but Ethan was in a few of my classes.

He first sat with me in Chemistry. I was on my own, three seats around me. I don't think anyone really disliked me, but people had their own friends, and I didn't talk enough.

Ethan stopped in the doorway, surveying the room before looking down at his timetable. He frowned, glanced around and caught my eye. I smiled briefly as a grin broke out on his face and he walked quickly to sit with me.

'Hi. Sorry, I dunno if I have the right room-' he looked around once more, trying to find a teacher- but she was late.

'Who do you have?' I asked, looking over at his confused expression.

'Erm... Marshall?' He read the name unsurely from the paper in front of him.

'Yeah. That's here.'

'Why the fuck am I in this class? You're all, like... Clever.' he looked so incredibly lost that I couldn't help but giggle slightly. The noise startled him, and he looked over. When he saw me laughing, he laughed too, a gloriously loud and boisterous sound.

'You must be clever. You're in top set now.' Ethans eyebrows raised as he opened his eyes in shock.

'Nah...' he mumbled, his lips turning slightly in a smile.

'Mum's gonna be gassed.'

The noise in the room died down as a petite, but somehow still domineering woman walked in and stood in front of the desk.

'Hello, Class 1. I assume you all know why you are here- for scientific wonder-'

Ethan groaned. 'Definitely in the wrong room.' he whispered in my ear, causing me to grin slightly, ducking my head to cover it with my book.

'You will be working with the person beside you, whoever that may be, and you will be working hard. So prepare to make friends, fast.' Her haughty voice rang out over Ethan's badly concealed chuckles.

Once more, I glanced over at the red faced, red haired boy, his hands over his mouth to cover his spluttering laugh. His eyes flashed and met mine, as he took his hand away and smiled heartily.

'Me, you and Harry.' He said triumphantly. 'He can help. We'll all be friends.'

I won't lie- it didn't sound like a bad idea.


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