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'Living room... Bathroom... Kitchen... There's another lounge upstairs, my room, the study, another bathroom...' I showed Josh quickly through the house and then led him into the living room.

'Take a seat- I'll grab some stuff.'

In the kitchen, I grabbed a few bags of crisps, some Coke, and a packet of biscuits.

'This cool? I asked as I threw the food down onto the floor, where Josh was pouring over an open notebook.

'Course.' When he looked up at me, I noticed something different.

He didn't seem as... Moody?

I sat down next to him, about to open my own book, when there was a knock at the door.

'One sec.' I mumbled, standing up and walking out to open the door. Tobi was stood outside, a small smile on his face and a bag in his hand.

'Hi. Sorry I'm a bit late, got a bit lost.' I grinned and showed him through, giving him the same tour as I did Josh. Tobi stood by the open door to the living room, his face showing caution. Obviously he'd been given the 'no-friends' warning by Josh a few times.

'Hey, Tobi!' Josh said. I had to double-take, but surely enough, his face had warmed into a smile.

Tobi sighed in relief and moved to sit beside the dark-haired boy.

'Okay. Let's go.' I said, opening my book.

A few hours later, we were a lot more prepared for our project as Tobi and Josh left together. We'd gotten on a lot better than I thought, considering Josh's attitude- but I wasn't complaining. I just wanted the grade.

Me, Tobi and Josh had gone through the food very quickly and so there wasn't much left to do, other than go upstairs and switch on my laptop.

I expected to see all of my friends online as it was only 6pm, but it seemed like only one was.

Jide created a group chat with Calllllllll, Tommo, REZ and Matty101

[18:01] Jide: Oi whats goin on

[18:03] Tommo: what you on about, going on

[18:04] Jide: like whys no one here?

[18:12] Matty101: u not out jj?

[18:14] Jide: didnt realise anyone was out lmao

[18:15] Tommo: shame, obviously liam didnt want you about. hes having a house party init

[18:16] Jide: wheres cal then? he out?

[18:30] Tommo: nah hes home sucking off his mum or somet

[18:35] Calllllllll: Fuck off, Tom. I'm with my chick.

[18:36] REZ: so yeah suckin off his mum HAHAHAHHAHA

[18:36] REZ: that were autocorrect soz

[18:40] Calllllllll: Go back to school, Reece.

[18:50] Calllllllll: Where did Jide go?

[19:01]Calllllllll: Cool. Good talk.

I was sat on my bed, laptop open and balanced on my knee.

'Great.' I muttered to myself as the messages came through- I read them all, but didn't reply. I can't lie. It pissed me off, being stuck at home whilst everyone else was out.

Suddenly, another notification came through- from a different chat.

TEEBEE created a group chat with Jide and Joshua Bradley.

TEEBEE set Joshua's nickname to happyJosh.

[19:04] happyJosh: Really? HappyJosh?

[19:05] TEEBEE: just a reminder. happy ;)

[19:08] Jide: whats this then

[19:09] TEEBEE: just in case anyone has any bright ideas like about the porject :)

[19:11] happyJosh: ie tobi has no friends.

[19:11] happyJosh: and is lonely.

[19:13] happyJosh: ;)


[19:16] happyJosh: see? lonely.

I felt myself smiling slightly at the chat. Tobi's louder side seemed to come out most when people couldn't hear him- the boy was obviously a lot more excitable than he seemed in real life.

[19:17] Jide: who woulda thought. the boy can actually smile

[19:19] happyJosh: this is why i dont smile dads

[19:20] Jide: dads

[19:21] happyJosh: FFS*

[19:23] Jide: daddy

happyJosh left the chat.

By this point, I was laughing heartily to myself- more than I had with my friends in a long time. I was disturbed by a second notification.

[19:26] Joshua Bradley: add me back. i made a mistake.

[19:27] Joshua Bradley: ;(

Jide added Joshua Bradley to the chat.

[19:18] TEEBEE: look who came craaaaawlin back

[19:20] happyJosh: hello TEEBEE

TEEBEE set happyJosh's nickname to daddy.

[19:21] daddy: ffs

TEEBEE changed the name of the chat to friends.

[19:31] Jide: :)


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