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It took a lot of courage to enter the familiar DT classroom.

The room itself wasn't scary- it was familiar, a room I had been to many times- it was the idea of the room without her.

Nonetheless, I went in.

'Afternoon, Tobi.' The teacher offered me a sympathetic look. I smiled back, keeping my eyes low, and sat down at the nearest table.

'So, as you are all aware, it is your last year in woodwork, and it is going to be a big one. The brief from the exam board has come in...'

He walked around the room, handing out sheets of paper to everyone.

'...and to put it in the most basic sense, you will be working in groups...'

There was a collective cheer from the room.

'...picked by me...'

And then, a collective sigh.

'...to create a prototype for a new invention.'

Honestly, that was all I heard, because by then I had zoned out massively. I was too busy trying to deal with the prospect of 'groups'.

'Just wait for the groan when your group finds out that you have to work with them.' My brain whispered, toxic words drifting through my mind.

'...Tobi, you will be working with JJ and Josh. If you two could move to Tobi's table, that would be fab.'

Surprisingly, neither protested. They moved over.

'...Hi.' JJ said, eyeing us both up and down. I nodded at him, and then looked at Josh, who sat with his arms folded. I knew Josh better than anyone else at this school, and even then I wasn't sure he recognised me. We were best friends in primary school but then we were split up when we went to secondary school. Apparently primary school friends didn't matter in college. Kinda sad.

'Why are you looking at me like you expect me to burst out into song?' he asked dryly.

'I'm not...' I replied. He glared at me.

'Guys, cool it. We're all friends here- I need this grade.' JJ piped up from across the table.

'No, we aren't. I don't have friends. I don't need them. I'll do the project, but you can bet you aren't coming to my house for milk and cookies.' Josh's voice was laced with bitterness.

JJ frowned. 'Jesus, man. No wonder you're lonely.'

Josh smiled back.

'Aren't we all?'


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