Chapter Twenty Seven: New Year, Old Jokes

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"How much longer?" I complained, my eyes fighting to stay open.

Sam scoffed, rolling his eyes. "It's barely 11:30, Dean."

"Ugh!" I whined. "I wanna go to sleep, Sam!"

"If you go to sleep now," he threatened, "I will wake you up at 12:00 and make as many 'haven't seen you since last year' jokes as I can before you shoot me."

I groaned angrily. "Sam, you know I hate those."

"Then you'd better keep your ass awake."

"Fine, but sitting here isn't going to cut it," I grumbled. "How about a game of truth or dare?"

Gabriel finally jumped up in excitement. "Hells yeah!"

Cas raised an eyebrow. "What are you, Dean, seven?"

I shrugged. "I wish."

"Why?" he shook his head in confusion.

"The last time I could see, really see, was when I was seven years old."

"Dean, I-"

I laughed a little. "Cas, it's fine. Now who wants to play?"

"I'm in!" Gabriel practically screamed.

"Sure, what the hell," Sam shrugged. "I'll see if there's a game I can download on my phone." Sure enough, he found one. "Okay, here are the categories: kids, teens, adults, couples, funny, and..." he trailed off, making a disgusted sound, "dirty."

Gabriel whistled and I snickered. "Oh, this is gonna be so much fun."

Sam sighed. "Okay, well, we should split up into teams, so-"

"Sammich and I are a team!" Gabe grinned, throwing an arm across my brother's shoulders.

"Shoot me. Please," Sam begged, shrugging the elder Novak off.

"Nah," I shrugged. "I think that will work just fine."

Sam groaned. "I hate you so much."

I shrugged, "Should've just let me sleep, then."

"Come on, boys, let's get this show on the road!" Gabe exclaimed. "I'll go first. Samosa, truth or dare?"

"I'm gonna regret this..." he grumbled. "But let's do the adults category and dare."

I could feel Gabriel's face light up in excitement. "Sing everything you say for the next ten minutes."

"What?!" Sam protested. "Come on, that-"

"Ah, ah," I shushed him. "Singing, remember?"

He cursed lowly, while Gabriel passed him the phone. "Dean, truth or dare?"

"Uh, I'm gonna go with couples dare."

"Ew!" Sam exclaimed. "Gabriel, you read it."

Gabe took the phone, reading the dare before laughing. "Dean-o, you gotta pour syrup on Cassie and eat it off of him."

My face flushed dark red. "W-what?!"

"That is what it says," Cas confirmed slowly.

"Why me?" I groaned, standing up and making my way to the kitchen. Fumbling around for the syrup, I shrieked in triumph. "We're all out! Ha!" I sat back down next to Cas.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Fine, we'll pick another one." He tapped the screen again, scoffing. "Do an impression of your favorite in-law."

"I don't know any of your family besides Gabe and..." I trailed off, smirking. "Okay, I got it." I carefully felt along Cas' head for his cheeks before pinching them together and raising my voice a few octaves. "Oh, your eyes are just the prettiest thing in the whole wide world," I cooed. "And you've become such a handsome man!"

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