Chapter One: Love at First... Sight?

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My foot began to tap impatiently as the man in front of us continued complaining. "Why are the prices so high?! This place is a joke!" I could feel the air currents swish past my head as he waved his arms around.

"I'm sorry, sir," I heard the barista reply. He had a nice voice. It was deep and scratchy, but it was soft at the same time. It was a new voice, one that I didn't recognize from my years of visiting the shop. I wondered if he had a nice face to match his voice.

My teeth ground together. "I'm going to punch him."

"Dean..." Sam warned as he held on to my elbow.

"Don't give me attitude, boy!" the customer yelled.

"I'm going to do it," I hissed.

Sam sighed. "Dean, I'm not in the mood to pull you out of a stupid fight again."

"Listen to him, Sammy!" I protested.

"Here's one customer who won't be returning," the man growled. I heard him turn around as I poked my walking stick out in front of him.

Sam groaned. "Dean-"

The man hit the floor. "Hey, asshole! Watch-"

I smirked. "Oh? Nope. Sorry, dick." I lifted up my sunglasses and gestured to my eyes. "I really can't watch out." He cursed up a storm underneath his breath, exiting the shop as I lowered my glasses back to my nose. Sam guided me up to the counter.

"Thank you," the barista said, relief filling his voice.

I laughed. "Even a blind guy could tell that was a grade A douchebag. I'm Dean," I held out my hand to where I thought he was, blushing when Sam pushed my arm to the left.

"Castiel." He shook my hand, his grip strong and warm. "What can I get you? Whatever you want, it's on the house."

I elbowed Sam. "Hear that, Sammy? Guess who just got promoted to hero status." My little brother was silent. I knew that silence all too well. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Samuel!" I waved my fist towards him.

"It's Sam." He shifted his weight, looking over the menu. "I'll have an iced tea," he finally said. "And Dean will take just a black coffee."

"Sammy, you know I get all tingly when you take control like that," I smirked. He was silent again. I heard Castiel shuffle around, stirring up our drinks.

"Here you go," he said, placing the drinks on the counter. I listened for the sound of the cup hitting the plastic before I attempted to reach for it.

"Thanks," I carefully felt across the countertop for my cup. Grabbing it, I grinned. "It was nice to meet you, Cas."

"Y-yeah," he stuttered. "You too. H-hey, if you don't mind me asking," I took a sip of coffee. "How long have you two been together?"

I spit my drink out, choking. Sam patted my back as I gasped for breath. "See, Sam? That's what happens when you treat me like your wife!" I kept coughing. "I'm blind, not a baby."

"We're brothers," Sam corrected.

I bet that Cas was blushing up a storm. "I am so sorry about the assumption-"

I flapped my hand towards his voice. "Don't be. Happens all the time. I just wish I had someone there to take care of me whom I actually like," I teased my little brother.

Sam punched my arm. "Jerk!"

"Bitch," I immediately retorted.

I heard Cas chuckle. "Yep. You guys are definitely brothers."

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