Chapter Seventeen: Look Both Ways Before You Fall

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I tightened my jacket around me as we waited to cross the street. It was almost Christmas, and Cas had somehow managed to convince me to go shopping with him. It was cold, sure, but luckily there was hardly any snow. The sign beeped, continuously repeating "Walk." I grabbed Cas' hand, dragging him along behind me.

"Dean, slow down," he protested. "We have all day."

I shook my head. "There is no way that I'm spending the entire day at the mall."

"Why's that?"

"Too many noises and smells," I shrugged. "It gets overwhelming."

Cas squeezed my hand, "If it gets to be too much, just let me know, okay?" I nodded. He pulled out a list, the paper crinkling in the wind. "We need to go gift and grocery shopping. Which would you like to do first?"

"I like presents."

Cas rolled his eyes, smiling. "Presents it is." He pulled me into the first store, classic rock music playing. I grinned as he pulled me farther inside. "They've got some new CDs that I've been looking for. Stay right here, I'll be back in a minute."

He disappeared before I could say a word. I groaned, pushing my sunglasses onto the top of my head as I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Forgetting about my glasses, I stared in the direction of where Castiel disappeared, a small frown on my face.

Suddenly, someone came marching towards me from the direction of Cas. "Can we leave now?" I whined.

"Excuse me?" the woman gasped. "I came over here to tell you to quit staring at me!"

My cheeks flushed scarlet as I fumbled for my glasses and cane. "I didn't mean to stare, ma'am. I'm blind. I wasn't aware that I was making you uncomfortable."

"No, that was my fault. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything." I could feel her gaze as she looked me up and down. "You come here alone?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm with-"

"He's here with me," Cas said, suddenly appearing next to me. I smirked and whacked his butt with my cane, causing him to blush furiously.

"Oh, sorry," I smiled sweetly. "I didn't know you were there."

"S-shut up!"

I laughed as the woman walked away, mumbling about hot ones and always gay. I pulled Cas closer to me and pressed a kiss to his temple. "Come on, Cas. How can I ignore that booty?"

He shoved me away, groaning. "I hate you."

"No, you don't," I sang.

Cas took a deep breath, "You're right. I just loathe you entirely."

"I understood that reference!" I gasped, grinning.

"I knew you would," he smiled, kissing my cheek. "Because you're my Grinch."

My hand fluttered over my heart as I groaned dramatically. "The pain!" The back of my other hand landed on my forehead, "Castiel, why do you hurt me so?"

He rolled his eyes. "Drama queen," he muttered.

"Mmm, whatcha say?" Standing on his toes, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face down to his. My eyes closed as our lips touched. I smiled as we broke apart, keeping my eyes closed. "I think I'm going crazy," I whispered.

"Why's that?"

I reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Because I'm falling hard for you."

His cheek rested over my heart as he hummed softly. "Well, you're not the only one. I'm falling for you, too."

I felt for his chin, pulling our faces together again. "I love you, Cas."

"I love you, too," he said softly.

There was sudden crash, followed by an unearthly shriek. I groaned, "Not now..."

Sam ran up to us, an obvious smile on his face. "Oh. My. God!" he squealed. "That was the cutest thing ever!" I buried my scarlet face in my hands, ignoring my glasses as they smushed across my face at an awkward angle. "Holy crap, Cas, he just said the three words!"

"Is-is that a big deal?"

"Um, duh!" Sam exclaimed. "So, when's the wedding?!"

"Sam-" I yelped.

He rolled his eyes. "Lemme guess, you guys are shopping for Christmas presents, then you're gonna go out for lunch and one of you are going to propose, and-"

I fumbled to slap my hand across my little brother's mouth. "S-shut up, Sam!"

He laughed, the sound muffled. "Come on, Dean!" he pulled my hand away. "You've been together for three months, you're already moved in together and sharing a room, and you've probably already done the-"

I screeched, my hand covering his mouth again. "Now would be a great time for you to shut the hell up!" I hissed. "Forever."

"Why?" he smirked.

My ears heated up again, "Just... Just shut up."

He shrugged. "I was kidding, Dean."

"Just go away, Sam," I groaned, shoving him away from me. "Why are you even here?"

"Shopping for Christmas. Duh," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Then, my OTP senses started tingling, and I followed them to find you here."

"Your... OTP senses?" Cas asked, confused.

My eyes widened as I heard Sam wrap an arm around Cas' shoulders. "One true pairing," he smirked. "You and Dean are perfect for each other. So you're an OTP."

Cas nodded slowly while I buried my face in my hands for the hundredth time that day. "I believe I understand."

"Lord, take me now," I begged.

Sam and Cas both laughed. "Well, I'll leave you two alone," Sam smirked, patting my shoulder. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Rolling my eyes, I sighed as I heard him walk away. "How about we go to lunch?" Cas suggested. "Somewhere nice so when you propose-"

I threw my hands up in the air. "Not you, too!"

He giggled, wrapping a hand around my bicep. "I'm teasing. How about we just go for burgers?"

"Yes!" I grinned. He led me back outside, the wind slapping my face as we left the building. We stopped at a crosswalk, Cas letting go of my arm. I pressed the button to cross. Moments later, the sign began beeping. "Come on, Cas," I called as I started to walk. "I know that sound. It's our turn to go."

"Wait, Dean," he said, preoccupied with something else. "I have to tie my shoe."

I rolled my eyes and continued across the street. I suddenly heard the loud honks of a car. "Dean?" Cas must've looked up as he heard the car speeding down the street. "DEAN!" he screamed as he suddenly shoved me forwards. I slammed into the pavement as I heard a sickening crunch.

"Is he breathing?"

"Cas?" I whimpered. I felt around frantically for my sunglasses, "Cas?"

"I think he's dead!"

My hand closed around the plastic. "Cas! Where are you?! Say something!" I begged.

"Oh, my God!"

"Someone call 911!"


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