Chapter Fifteen: Dreams Can Be So Cruel

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"How about we watch a movie?" Cas suggested once we had finally gotten the furniture put back in their places.

"But we can't actually watch it," Sam protested.

"You can listen to it, so shut your pie holes and sit down."

My jaw snapped shut before I had the chance to make a snappy comeback, slowly retreating back to the couch. "What are we watching, Cas?"

He put the disk in, pushing the play button. "Sex and the City."

Sam and I both gasped in horror. "No!" we screamed like it was the end of the world.

Cas just laughed. "I'm kidding. You guys said that you really liked the Avengers, right?"

I sighed in relief, nodding. "Yeah, it's awesome!"

"Good, because I just got it." I fist pumped the air, nearly punching Cas in the face as he sat down next to me. "Watch out!" he cried, ducking out of the way.

"Sorry," I blushed. My stomach suddenly groaned in anger.

"How are you hungry already?" Cas groaned. "We just ate dinner!"

I shrugged. "I'm sure some popcorn would satisfy my poor starving belly." I smiled and batted my eyelashes. Cas rolled his eyes, but stood up nonetheless. "You're the best!" I called.

He laughed. "I know!" Returning a moment later, he handed me a bowl of fresh popcorn. I sighed in content, shoving a handful into my mouth as I heard Hawkeye jump down from the catwalk. I was practically bouncing with excitement by the time that Loki appeared, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

Cas snuggled into my side as the movie progressed. I had to slap his hand from my popcorn bowl several times before he stood up to make his own. By the time that he got back, the Hulk was tossing Loki around like a ragdoll.

I laughed, listening to his moan of pain. "Isn't this great, Cas?!"

He smiled, "It's awesome."

"Damn right," Sam added, his hand blindly reaching for my popcorn.

I slapped his hand away, "No! Bad Sam! Bad!"

Sam rolled his eyes, shoving my shoulder. "Piss off, Dean. I was just looking for the remote."

"Sure you were," I grumbled, hugging the popcorn tighter to my chest. As soon as the movie was over, Cas stood up, stretching his back. "Cas, wait!"

He paused, "Yes?"

"There's always an after-credit scene," I told him. "You have to stay for it."

"But I'm tired," he whined.

I pointed to the spot next to me. "Sit."

Cas rolled his eyes and instead of sitting down on the couch next to me, he dumped himself into my lap with a laugh. I grunted in surprise, the popcorn that was still in my bowl spilling across the floor. "How's this?"

Wrapping my arms around him, I smiled. "Perfect." As soon as the bonus scene was over, Cas let out another yawn. "Alright, bedtime for you," I smirked, nuzzling his cheek.

"I told you that ten minutes ago."

"Yeah, well... Now I'm saying it." He shook his head, standing up. "Hey, Sammy," I poked my little brother. He had been silent for the past half hour. I poked him a little harder.

He snorted, jumping in surprise. "Huh? Wha-? 'S it over?"

I patted his shoulder. "Yeah, Sammy, it's over. Go to bed."

He nodded, stifling a yawn. "M'kay."

I stood up as well, patting him on the shoulder before pushing him towards his room. I heard his bed creak as he flopped onto it, his snoring ringing out seconds later. Sliding into my own bed, I curled up to Cas and began running my fingers through his messy hair. "Was it really you?"

"When?" he mumbled.

"Right after the accident. The other night, you said that you met a blind kid once with eyes as green as mine."

Cas nodded into my chest. "I think it was. Weird, huh?"

"Very," I sighed into his hair. "I'm glad that we met back then."


I closed my eyes, "Because you're the reason that I lived. I don't know if I would've made it without you showing me that I could use my hands to see."

He snuggled closer. "You're welcome."

I laughed, drifting off. Waking up the next morning, I rubbed my eyes. Suddenly, I froze, staring in front of me. "Wait... What the hell? These are my hands..." I carefully inspected them, watching in amazement as they flexed before my eyes. "Holy shit... I can see again!" I turned towards Cas' side of the bed in excitement. "Cas! I can see-" I frowned in confusion when I saw him turn around. "Cas? Cas, wait!" I called out as he walked away. Springing out of bed, I chased after him. "Cas! Hey, turn around!" He acted as if he couldn't hear me, continuing to walk away. "Cas? Just turn around!" He didn't pause as my voice broke. "Cas! Stop!"

"Dean, wake up!"

"Cas!" I cried, my eyes snapping open to blackness.

I can't see...

"Castiel, where are you? Cas!"

I can't see...

"Dean, shh," he soothed. "I'm right here."

"Where are you?!"

"Give me your hand," his voice was soft.

I can't see...

"I'm..." his fingers wrapped around my wrist.


"Right..." he pulled my arm towards his face. "Here..." I felt my fingers brush his sharp cheekbones.

"I can't see," I whimpered. "I can't see..."


"I can't... I can't see! I can't see!" I sobbed loudly, clutching Castiel's face.

He pulled me closer until my forehead was resting on his shoulder. "Dean..."

"I can't see... I can't see..."

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