Chapter Eight: Lazy-ish Monday

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I shuffled into the kitchen the next morning, my hand guiding me to the table. I pulled out the chair, lowering myself into it.  My left arm slowly reached out, coming to rest on Cas' bicep. "Everything alright, Dean?"

"Yeah..." I smiled as I closed my eyes, taking comfort in just being able to touch Cas. "Everything's good." We sat together in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Cas stood up. I heard him set his breakfast dishes in the sink. "Hey, Cas. Is my book on the counter?" I asked.

"Yes, it's right here."

"Awesome. Can you hand it to me? Thanks," I held out my hand expectantly. I frowned when I didn't hear him move. Suddenly, my hand curled into a shocked claw, the book slamming into my face.

"Oh, my God, Dean, I'm so sorry!" Cas gasped as I sat in silence, my eye twitching. "Hey... It's a good thing you're not reading the bible," he tried to joke. I flipped him off as I felt blood trickle from my nose. "C'mere," he said as he sat back down. I felt a warm cloth swipe across my upper lip.

"Thanks, Cas," I said.

He smiled, running his thumb across my lip. "I don't know how it's possible, but you look even better covered in blood," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, whatever."

"I'm serious," he insisted. "You could totally be a homicidal maniac. It would look good on you."

"Yeah..." I trailed off. "Look, Cas. Can... Can I try something with you?"

"Of course."

"Just... Don't make it weird," I begged. "Don't move," I instructed as I slowly reached out in front of me. I traced each of Cas' features, slowly forming an image of him in my mind. My fingers finally brushed across his lips and I gasped.

"Dean? Are you alright?" Cas asked worriedly.

I didn't respond. Instead, I smashed our faces together, earning a surprised grunt from Cas before he began to kiss me back. "Holy shit, you're gorgeous," I breathed once we had slightly broken apart.

"So are you," he whispered.

"I don't know about that..."

Cas kissed me again. "Shut up." He smiled, running his fingers across my face. "And you know what? Your eyes are the greenest green to ever green."

I laughed, "That so?"

"Mmhm," he smiled, tracing the bridge of freckles that trailed across my nose and cheekbones. "The sky touching the earth," he whispered. "The bluest blue and greenest green."

"You're still terrible at describing things," I smiled.

"Like you care," he giggled.

"Like I care," I repeated.

I continued to trace Cas' features, smiling every time my fingers brushed across his lips. "Guys, I hate to break up the moment, but can you help me bring my stuff to the car?" Sam asked, shifting a box in his arms.

"Sure, Sammy," I stood up and walked past him, my hand suddenly flying out to feel his face.

"Gah!" he exclaimed in surprise, nearly dropping his box. "A little warning would be nice, Dean!"

I shrugged. "Never gave you any warning before. Why start now?" I walked into Sam's room and picked up a box, sighing in realization that my baby brother was leaving. Just before I walked back into the kitchen, I paused to listen to Sam's voice.

"He must really like you, Cas," Sam was saying.

"Why's that?"

Sam smiled. "He never touches anyone's face."

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