Chapter Twenty One: The Lord Giveth...

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"Dean?" Cas sat up, his eyes wide in shock. I stared at him, my jaw hung slack as I raked my eyes over his entire face. "Did... Did it work?" I nodded slowly, still unable to form a sentence. He broke out into a wide smile, tears dripping from the corner of his eyes. "I can't believe it..." Cas suddenly laughed, "My Christmas present isn't even going to come close to this."

I yanked him into a tight hug. "Cas, seeing you is the best gift I could've wished for," I whispered.

Sam made a noise somewhere between a dying flamingo and a porcupine with rabies. "Oh, my God!" he all but squealed. "This is the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Groaning in annoyance, I shot him the bird over Cas' shoulder. He simply grinned wider, nearly bouncing with excitement.

"Sammy, make like a tree and go away," I rolled my eyes.

"It's make like a tree and leave," he corrected me.

"You got the point," I smirked. "Bye!" He shook his head and rolled his eyes, moving towards the door. "I saw that!" I shouted after him. I froze in place, suddenly realizing what I had just said. I saw that. I relapsed back into silence as I began looking around the room. It had plain walls that were a pale blue and white everything else. Compared to the room, Cas' eyes were extremely vibrant, their color almost mesmerizing. Cas was wearing an expression that I couldn't name, one that seemed somewhere between sadness and constipation. "Cas? What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong," he shook his head. "Why would you think that?"

"Because you look sad."

Cas smiled, looking at his thumbs as they ran across the back of my hands. "Dean, that wasn't sadness, that was joy." He looked back up, his eyes meeting mine, "And it was love."

I grinned and leaned forward to capture his lips with mine, ecstatic that I finally had an image of them. "You're gorgeous, Cas," I whispered, pulling away slightly. He blushed, causing another grin to stretch across my face. "Even more so when you blush."

"S-shut up, Dean," he weakly shoved me away before burying his face in his hands.

Gently pulling his hands away, I lifted his chin so he would meet my gaze. "I love you so much, Castiel."

He smiled, "I love you, too, Dean."

"When's the wedding?" Sam screamed from the hallway.

"Piss off!" I shouted back. Cas buried his face in his hands again, shaking his head as he laughed. I stared at him as he laughed, watching every movement that he made.

He must've felt my stare, because he raised his head and blushed when he met my gaze. "What?"

I blinked. "Huh?"

"You were staring at me," Cas said.

"Uh... No?" I blushed, still unable to tear my eyes from him.

Cas laughed, "Now who's cute when they blush?"

"Still you," I grinned. Cas rolled his eyes as the doctor came in.

"Mr. Winchester, I hear that the operation was a success. How does it feel?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "It feels amazing..."

The doctor smiled. "In that case, you'll be released from our care within the hour. You'll be free to go home." I stared blankly at her, my jaw slightly hung slack. "Yes, Mr. Winchester, you'll be free to go home and do as you please with your repaired vision. And if I may give a suggestion," she looked at me.

"Sure. Anything."

She turned her gaze to Castiel. "Go home and enjoy this one's company. You're a lucky man, Mr. Winchester. Don't lose him."

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