Carlos and the whole family was taken aback by my kind ness, yeah BICHES i am very nice... i just didn't know why Carlos seemed to not like me. I knew Carlos was about to turn down my offer to breakfast but Eseme spoke up for the first time, "I would love to eat breakfast with you and your pack Alpha Calla. Would you mind me sitting next to you?" Eseme smiled. Wow, she wanted to sit next to me... maybe someone in the family does like me. I smile at her, "Eseme i would love for you to sit next to me." Eseme turned towards her kids and husband. They were talking quietly so i decided to not easdrop. I look down the table to see everyone staring at them... probably listening in. "NO listening in to their conversation. If you are done eating leave, if you want to stay eating then eat, mind your own business!" I once again used my Alpha tone. Before i was even finished people stood up and ran anywhere but here near the table and me. Everyone left even Luke, He told me he was going to leave me to do Alpha business with them. I kissed him before he left.

I sigh and take my seat again, I look down at my plate. My eggs were cold and my French toast was soggy. I pushed my plate away and grabbed new food that was cooked more recently. The chair beside me moved and i looked up to see Eseme taking a seat on my right then to see the twins sitting on my left. I looked around to see where the boys went. Gosh why doesn't anyone like me. "Calla dear, don't think my husband doesn't like you, he does but he feels threatened by you. When we were about 500 miles away from the pack house we could feel the power from you radiating every where. He was shocked. He wants to show his kids that he's the best Alpha ever but that's not the case. He's an amazing Alpha, husband, and father but he's not the BEST of the best. That my dear is you."

I was shocked by her words.. why does everyone keep saying im the best Alpha, most people think im not good just because im a female. "Dear, don't let anyone judge you because of your gender, everyone knows your powerful and strong, People are jealous of that and they will try to kill the power by harming you, physically and verbally but you have to over come that and realize how great you really are." I smile at her, she's really sweet. "Your a telepathic just like me. Its good to know one other person other then Jasper that's like me. But since you ran here you must be a werewolf too." Eseme smiled at me, "Yes i am just like you Calla, And i am a werewolf. I was honestly surprised you weren't a wolf. Your so muscly and strong, the way you use your Alpha tone even had my husband and I and the children flinching." I nodded, i hated using my Alpha tone, why cant i be a werewolf, it would make me seem less of a freak. "Calla don't think your a freak, cause your tots not! Your gorgeous and don't even get me started on those tattoos!" I looked over at Jade, she was smiling widely.

I laugh at her, "Jade, i see you can also read my thoughts. Thank you, you know the story of these tattoos are quite strange. Would you like to hear?" Jade's face lit right up, "Of course i would!!!" She squealed with joy and clapped her hands. I chuckle, "Ok so you guys must know im a special type of faye with three abilities, I am a succubus, telepathic and a nymph... Im a wood, land, and air nymph." I paused to see their reactions. Eseme's eyes popped out of her head, Jade and Harmony's mouths were open with shock. I ignored their strange reactions and continued, "So we were going to go to battle with the Dark Dawning Pack, you know before they all joined my pack. You see my mate was its Alpha but i didn't know he was cause i was mixed up with three other mates. But ill skip that part, So these faye came to help me master my abilities, and when i practiced my famous lighting storm, i passed out and when i woke up and went to shower i saw myself in the mirror and saw everything changed. My hair used to be brown, and my eyes used to be light brown, i had barly any muscle, but i was still strong. So i saw my hair had changed to its midnight brown with green streaks and to see my eyes changed to a darker green color. The most shocking thing i saw was these tattoos. They represent power, each one means something. The vines going down my arms represent my abilities for being a wood nymph, and the lighting bolt represents my lighting storm from my abilities for being an air nymph. But the pattern that goes down my back and over my hips and down my legs confuse me.... they are a sapphire pattern. I have yet to figure that one out but i know i will. So that's the crazy story"

I look into Jade's eyes to see adoration, "That is amazing! Do you mind showing us??" Me get half naked? Jeez... that's cray but you know its just 16 year olds and Eseme. I nodded my head at her and Jade got up out of her seat and started squealing with excitement. I sighed and stood up. I whipped my tank top of of my, so i was in my bra, exposing the sapphire design on my back, then i remove my leggings so i was in my black undies, and that exposed the sapphire pattern continuing to spiral down my legs, i slip my socks off to show that the sapphire pattern stopped and a dark flower pattern replaced it, it wrapped around my ankles and followed my toe bones down to the nails. Jade, Harmony and Eseme gasped at the sight of them. I must have been bad at explaining things. "C-Calla these are soo beautiful.. can i touch them?" Eseme was staring at me with curiosity in her eyes but also just like Jade, she had adoration in them. I smile at her and nod. Eseme reached her palm out and touched my arm, traced the vines that spiral around my arms. She paused and then with her index finger traced the sapphire pattern down my back and then around my right hip and stopped there.

"Truly beautiful and gorgeous Calla." Eseme smiled warmly. I looked over to Jade's face to see her staring at my tattoos in awe. She reached her hand out and stroked my palms. I laugh, Then i look over a Harmony.. her face was masked with fear, and her eyes looked worried and frantic. Am i scaring her? I block out Jade and Eseme stroking my tattoos and focus on Harmony, "Whats wrong Harmony?" Her eyes widened at my voice, "I-I'm s-sorry Alp-pha C-Calla." I don't want her to be afraid of me. I've never dipped into anyone else's mind other then Jaspers to practice my telepathic ability but i need to know what she's thinking. I look straight into Harmony's eyes as i open my mind and try to open hers... she's holding it shut tightly, probably because her mother and sister can read minds. But i know i can find a hole, i search along her wall before finding a small crack. I smile, i break through her mental wall, and that's when all of her thoughts started flowing into my mind like crazy.

'Calla is so beautiful...'

'Omg, Calla is dripping power and strength.... urgh she's so intimidating.'

'URGH Harmony your such an idiot! Just talk to her.... she's just a very powerful Alpha... of a huge, strong pack.'

'If Mother and Jade thinks she's safe... urgh Harmony you know she's safe, you can feel it. She is so kind to us even thought Father was mocking her. I think Calla is a great Alpha, i can tell just by dipping into her thoughts.'

'I told Mother and Jade and the rest of my family not to tell Calla im a telepathic because i am so intrigued by her thoughts that i don't want her to close me off... I just feel so lost.'

'Once i met her eyes i knew i was....'

Hey guys!!! second update in one day!! I know you guys will love me <3 i made up for the other day! I hope you liked this chapter. I love you all, thank you for reading my book and supporting me by your votes <3 Don't forget to Vote, Comment, Follow, and to read my other books! <3


Kat Akatyszewski <3

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