Before You Start

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~C U R R E N T   C O V E R~

~C U R R E N T   C O V E R~

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~G E N R E S~

Humor/Teen fiction

~C O P Y R I G H T   C L A I M~

This book is copyright which means absolutely no plagiarism. So for all the plagiarists out there, don't even try to copy my book. 

I have no specific updating schedule. I'll try to update as often as I can, but there won't be a steady schedule, so I won't

This is a rough draft so the writing and grammar might not be that good. I'm open for constructive criticism.

For all the people who prefer first-person, This book is supposed to be first person but there may or may not be a third person chapter. 

This story is not meant to offend anyone. It is a work of fiction, so if there is any similarity to a real person, it is purely coincidental and I didn't intend for it.

That's all, have fun reading.

Oh, wait! I forgot one of the most important things. If you see my time-traveling friend Dashie, you know there's been a scene change. Dashie doesn't talk too much though, he's shy uwu

Dashie looks like this: -

Now you can have fun reading!

~E X T E N D E D   S U M M A R Y~

Anna, the product of two, millionaire parents- is not a normal girl. When she was a baby, a rare condition caused her once blue eyes to change to purple, bringing a lot more attention (than needed) to her. 

Anna hates attention, so she plans to lie low and make it through her last year of school in peace. When her brother comes back from boarding school, she instantly knows the year isn't going to way the way she planned.

A heartthrob of an ex-bestfriend, an adorable nerdy kid, the schools bad boy, and a stereotypical b!tchy Queen Bee (who actually has more to her than what meets the eye) are added to the drama soup. As it bubbles up, Anna isn't sure she can deal with the violent concoction.

Things happen, past memories collide with the present and things come back to haunt Anna until everything becomes a mess.

Oh! Let's not forget the prank war on the side.

Bon appetite!

***Copyright © TasneemiBunny***

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