Jace was sitting in one of the trees that bordered where the fire was, so he was above everyone else trying not to be noticed.. but I noticed him right away because I knew where everyone was in my pack. The pack link was a bitch sometimes but I loved it, it was like a personal map in my head with little blue dots that represented everyone in my pack and where they were, they even moved when the person moved, also above their dot was their name in beautiful calligraphy. So I watched Jace and wondered why he wanted to be away from everyone else, he closed off his mind to the pack communication link and he spent most of his time in his room or in the woods.

At that time I had no idea that people were still teasing him, that was until Kyrie, Kyrie was Jace's fourth in command, leaned on the tree trunk and opened his big, stupid mouth, "Hey Jace, still crying about Calla taking your big, bad Alpha title?" Kyrie laughed as if what he said was the funniest thing in the world, but I didn't find it amusing. Jace looked down at Kyrie with emotion-less eyes and then went back to staring into space. Kyrie was obviously very confused on why Jace didn't fire a come-back at him.

Kyrie grinned and climbed the tree to sit on the branch that was on the left side, the side opposite of the fire. "Jace, I've noticed you spend a lot of time alone... I wonder why that is, the guys and I made a guess on why, and we came up with you being a big, weak, pup. You wanna know why? Its because you lost your balls and your dignity when you gave up your Alpha title to Calla, with out even putting up a fight!"

I knew Jace woke up from his hazy state because his eyes were filled with rage then he looked straight into Kyrie's eyes before going off, "You know what Kyrie, your the biggest d*ick ever. Your just pissed with me because your aren't fourth in command anymore, I gave my title to Alpha Calla because she's stronger then me and smarter, she can run this pack better then I ever could. STOP being a jerk and pay attention to your pack duties. Also don't EVER think about disrespecting Alpha Calla or else you will deal with me. I may not be Alpha anymore but I still have my strength, speed and smarts." Kyrie's face went red with embarrassment, but Jace didn't stop there, he leaned in close to Kyrie's ear and whispered, "And all of the time I spend alone, I use that time to train, to get stronger, faster and physically impossible to beat.. just remember that for the future... to NEVER cross me again."

I knew everyone was staring at the sense, Luke was tense behind me. Jace jumped down from the tall tree to land right in front of me, Luke growled on instinct, but I ignored him and so did Jace. I smile up at him, "That was amazing, im happy you stood up for yourself, I was going to step in but I knew that would make it worse on you." Jace frowned at me, his eyes were emotion-less again. I was about to ask what was wrong but Jace interrupted me, "Alpha Calla, I am sorry but I do not wish to stay here in your pack. Release me from the pack ties and let me roam free." I was shocked and taken aback by his words... I knew that this was a ritual you had to do, I learned it from Luke.

All I had to say was, 'I release you from my pack ties' to let him go... but I don't want him to leave. Everyone that was around us gasped in surprise that he wanted to leave. I ignored everyone and looked straight into Jace's emotion-less eyes trying to find a flicker of emotion, but there was none. He was serious and wanted to leave... I could never hold anyone here against their will. If it makes him happy I will let him go. I sigh, "If this makes you happy then you have your wish Jace... I release you from my pack ties. Take what you want and leave by morning." I didn't even have time to take a breath before Jace was in wolf form running through the woods, getting far away from here. I had no idea why he wanted to leave so bad... but at least he was happy.


I shook my head and realized I had been sitting on my desk, stuck in my thoughts for about an hour. I sighed and looked at the clock. It was 5pm. SHIT! I need to inform everyone about our quests. I was about to stand up and run out of the office but arms came from behind me and wrapped around my waist, keep me hostage on the desk. The tingles and sparks traveled around my body, I knew it was Luke. I smiled, "Luke.. just the person I wanted to see." I giggled as Luke turned my in his arms so I was facing him, he was sitting in my spiny chair and I was on the desk, he smiled at me before lightly brushing his lips against mine. His lips are the most softest thing on the planet, every time his lips connect with mine its like a feather is stroking my skin. I frown when Luke pulls back and smirks at me.

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