Ch. 11

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The sun shone through the tinted windows creating an almost non realistic scene. I stood up, noticing the small area I was in. I could only see two exits, the window and the door. I walked over to the window and looked out. It was early morning. I turned around and took in my surroundings. There was a desk, a blanket in the corner, a small box and a few books. I walked over to the box and saw clothes. I walked away from them and headed to the door. There was a small window so I could look out to see what was on the other side. This was unusual. When I got to the base a few days ago they brought me to a room and took some tests on me, then I was knocked out and now I'm in a different room. Wait, why was I knocked out? I walked to the desk and found a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. I started to write down my questions. 'Why am I here? Wasn't I just at the lab? Where did I go? IS the window locked? Where is Crutes? Did Sans get my message and is that why I was moved? Is Sans ok? God damn you...'

*Crutes POV*

The monitors showed y/n get up and explore then stand by the desk writing something. She looked at her paper and walked over to the window, it opened and she sat on the seal looking out, taking in her surroundings. One of the guards burst into her room and grabbed her hand and dragged her out. I was soon interrupted with a loud bang and another guard entered the room I was in and ran over to me. "Sir! We have an infiltrator! We already grabbed the prisoner, we need to leave now!" I ran out before him and was met face to face with a sharp ass bone pointing at my head. I looked to the right and saw a very exhausted skeleton. " Tell me where she is god dammit." His left eye was blazing with blue flames similar to y/n's. "Wow, you're a fine specimen aren't you? My, you have similar powers to that of y/n yes?" He didn't answer me so I kept talking, "You know, y/n never real-" "I SAID TELL ME WHERE SHE IS GOD DAMMIT!!!" The sharp bone was now pointed at my chest and other bones surrounded my body. "Well, I don't know, one of my guards grabbed her before I knew what happened." I turned to my guard behind me, "Where did you say the guard took her?" "Uuh, t-to the s-safe house." "There you go, I turned toward the skeleton, "Have fun." Then I felt immense pain in my chest, blood dripped from my mouth and wound and I fell limp to the floor. "Where is the safe house?" "567 Reverse rd. It's on the country side, *cough* if you hurry, you'll catch the van. *cough cough*"

*Sans' POV*

I threw 1 final bone to his head and turned to the guard, "Wish to die?" "N-No, I can t-take you there, I-I have the p-pass code.." I picked him up with my magic and dragged him along with me. We reached the house and I dropped him in front of the gate to put the code in then we entered and quietly went to the back and through an open window. While going through a hall way I heard a passing conversation, "When do you think boss'll get here?" "not sure, Jeff went to get him but I haven't seen him either." I head around the corner and see a blocked off door at the end of the hallway.

*Your POV*

I heard faint footsteps. They threw me in here after we fled the base. I could hear their conversation. Someone had come to rescue me. Sans nonetheless. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped myself up then sat in a corner, awaiting for something to happen. I sat for a few minutes engulfed with my thoughts, not noticing the door opening and someone running over to me. A few tears fell but I still did not notice, it was like I was in my own reality, like anything not in my head wasn't real...

I was shook. I looked up to see Sans with a worried expression and one of the guards behind him. "S..ans?" "I'm right here Princess" He embraced me in a hug while a few tears fell. "I was so worried about you, are you ok? Did they hurt you??" I starred forward at the guard, he gave me a small smile and checked for anyone else. "Princess?" He let go and I looked at the ground, "Y/n, did they hurt you?." " we j-just get o-out of here? W-where are we a-anyways?" "*sigh* We're at a safe house outside of town, here take my hand, I'll take ya home." "What about him?" I pointed at the guard, "Oh, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." "You sure bud? You seem tense." "Yeah, I'll... be fine. Just get out of here before anyone sees." Sans nodded and turned to me, "close your eyes." I closed them and felt a little pressure on me, then I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room, desk and all. "Here," Sans lifted me and took me to the bathroom, "Let's check for damage." "Sans, I-I'm fine." "Nope, I'm checkin anyways." He removed the blanket that I still had wrapped around me. Since I was wearing my jacket my bruises and needle marks were covered still. "Take the jacket off," I froze, I couldn't, even though he might've already killed him, Sans would freak and kill the people who did it directly and not just Crutes. I shake my head, "C'mon y/n, take it off." "No," My voice was quiet but he could still hear my answer. "Alright, I'll do it myself then," He grabbed my arms and held me still with his magic, he lowered the sleeves and took it off. He loudly grunted. I starred at the marks as he let go of his grip on me.

These looked bad, what did they do to me?? I don't remember anything after when I arrived to the base that night when I was drunk. Everything was a blur, I starred in thought and didn't notice a f/c ish blue haze surrounding one of my arms. "Y/n." I looked over to him, he was holding one of my arms and had a blue flame from his left eye, I looked down and saw a f/c ish blue aura around my arm. "Are you healing yourself, without noticing?" "Probably, it's not the first time." I looked up and met with Sans' eyes (eye sockets). "Heh, we match." "What do ya mean?" He pointed to my right eye, it had a f/c flame emitting from it, "Heh, never noticed." We starred at each other for a bit, when arm 1 was fully healed, he switched hands and the f/c light went to the second arm also. "Princess, I was so worried, what were you thinking? Why were you over there?"  "Well, he was going to kill you all if I didn't return to him and be his lab rat. He would've killed Papyrus first then all of you at the base. I had no choice. But, I dropped Pap off in front of Grillby's, since he doesn't like the place, he walked straight home and I went in and got drunk, left the message, then returned to Crutes' and passed out. I don't remember how I got these, everything after passing out is a blur." "Did... Did you talk to me when you passed out or when you got drunk?" "I... I'm not sure, if I did when I passed out, I might of forgotten, but, I don't recall sending a message to you while drunk so.."

*Sans' POV*

"I see, well, looks like we made it out in one piece." "Looks like it." She rested her head on my shoulder and her other arm finished healing. I watched the f/c light move to her back and the bottom of her neck, I lifter her shirt a bit and saw a bruise in the center and a small hand sized bruise near her neck. I embraced her and put my hand by the bigger bruise to help heal it, what did this guy do to her? Was she really all that? She soon fell asleep and I picked her up and placed her in the bed. I laid down next to her and looked at the time. 10:01 pm, not that late but I guess I could sleep, I gave a small peck on her cheek and fell asleep. 

||My Princess|| Mafiatale!Sans x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now