Ch. 14

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I was gonna be an ass and not post this, but here it is. Enjoy

(Is night now)

I stuffed by guns and ammo into a small backpack and pulled my hood over my eyes. I made sure everyone was asleep and opened my window. Right when I was about to jump out, I heard someone speak.

"Whatcha doin princess?"
Shit, "Just... Going for a walk." Sweat trickled down my neck.
"Oh really now? What are yah doing with that bag then?" "Snacks??" "*Sigh* Y/n, what are you doing?"
"Nothing of concern, Sans. So, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way." I stepped out of the room and onto the roofed part under my window. I looked behind me and saw Sans with a worried expression then gave me a soft smile. "Kick their ass." I smiled at him and nodded, jumping off the roofed part and heading towards their hide out.

*Time skip*

Dammit. The guards were catching up and I was nearing a dead end. One thing left to do. I took of my jacket while trying to get a little more space between us and grew my wings. I flapped them and flew out of their reach. One of them started talking on his phone while the other tried to reload his gun. I flew higher and made sure I had everything in the bag before I flew away, heading towards Mt. Ebott. I had to make sure I wasn't being followed back to the base. I walked around the mountain side a bit and saw a cave. I walked in and noticed an opening in the ground. Must be the entrance to the Underground. I walked closer to it and looked down into the black abyss.

As I neared it, a hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around, it was Sans. "How did- " "Alphys." "Oh," "look, I was worried about you when you didn't come back yesterday. Then Alphys calls me saying you're on MT. Ebbot and...and I got even more worried. Why are you up here?" Something moved behind Sans while he was talking, and it had caught my attention, I looked past his shoulder to a small boulder and spoke softly, "I didn't want them to follow me to the base, so I flew here." Sans tilts his head in confusion as to why I'm quiet all of a sudden. He looks behind him to the rock I'm staring at and returns to look at me, "but why were you walking closer to the hole. It's dangerous." "I know, I was just checking it out." I slowly backed away and spread my wings out. "Take my hand." I hold out my hand to Sans, he grabs it and wraps his other hand around my waist.

We fly up to a ledge over the spot we were just at and look over at the boulder. Behind it stood a shadowy figure that seemed to have two weapons, a handgun and a dagger. Sans looked at me questionably, silently asking if I knew them. I shook my head and returned to the figure, they had started walking back down the mountain. Sans squeezed my hand and I flapped my wings in response. He replaced his hand on my waist and we flew to the patch of trees by the base, we landed, I retracted my wings, and we walked to the base hand in hand.

When we arrived I was greeted with "where have you been"s and "welcome back"s. Undyne approached me and dragged me away from everything, unintentionally dragging Sans along with. When we reached our destination she face palmed. "Why did you go on the fernis mission without back up??!! You could've been captured or killed or-" "Undyne," I stopped her for a second, grabbing her hands and dragging my thumb over her palms to help her calm down, "I'm fine, see? No blood, no death, I'm right here. Yes, it was stupid to go at it alone, but I did it to collect some data. So that way, when we actually infiltrate their base, we have more insight into what dangers we would be facing. I apologize for worrying you, I just didn't want to have a huge argument over the matter." Undyne took a deep breath in and swallowed her words. She turned towards the exit and headed out, "don't do that again."

*Time Skip (1 month later)*

Dear diary,

Sans has gotten me a journal to jot down my thoughts, he's very sweet.

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