Ch. 12

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It was dark... like, I wasn't in my room anymore... I started to look around but found only darkness. I stopped for a second to get my eyes used to the dark. Where... no, I ask that question a lot, maybe if i just wait for a bit, something will happen? I sit cross legged and stare off into the abyss. There was movement, not from where I was starring, but from behind me. I turned around and saw a tall figure passing by. "H-hello?" The figure turned to look at me and I noticed a sharp object in it's hand. I stood and back up slowly as it inched forward. It threw the object at me and I dodged it, then a wire shot from behind it and tripped me, then it walked faster and grabbed my ankle as I tried to stand back up. It held it's hand above his head and brought it down fast and hard.

I woke to a slight breeze. It was dark in my room, and the window was opened. I looked around and saw the bathroom door closed, someone (probably Sans) must be in there. I got up and headed toward the window and looked out. It looked to be almost sunrise, I swung my legs out the window and stepped onto the part that shaded the windows on the first floor. I walked down closer to the edge, which was only like two steps, and sat down. I pulled my knees to my chest and looked over the horizon and watched as the sun slowly crept out of the night's grasp, showing the city that morning had just arrived. There was a slight breeze and my h/l moved with the wind. I heard rustling behind me but didn't turn around to see who it was. They sat next to me and started talking, "Good view huh?" Undyne. "Yeah, the colors clash together so well. I wish it could last forever." "Yeah, especially when it's sunset and you're with someone you really like, and it just makes the moment more perfect." "Yeah," We sat in silence watching the rising sun and the disappearing stars. "How's you and Alphys going?" "Oh, we're good, we were looking for you together so that gave us some time alone. How's you and Sans, seems like he's always the one to find ya." "Yeah, we're good, he's so protective, its too cute." "Heh, well, he kinda has to be, since his job is to make sure your safe." "Oh right, forgot about that." "Yeah, but mainly it's because he cares about you too much, he doesn't want to loose you so he'll go through any means necessary." "Heh." Undyne got up after a bit and went back inside. I got up and climbed higher to the roof and starred down at the ground below. how far down is this exactly? Like, a few seconds? "Hey Y/N??" "Yeah what's up?" I saw Sans poke his head out the window searching for me. He looked up and smiled, "You apparently. Why you up there?" "Just enjoying the view." "Alright well, wanna come down and join the rest of society?" "Naw, I'm good up here. You should join me, it's very peaceful." "*Sigh* I'd rather not."

"Awe, why?" "I... really just don't want to, to much work." "Non-sense! Here, I'll take you up!" "How are you going t-" I jumped down but missed the landing spot and slipped. I was bracing for impact but non came. I looked up and saw Sans sweating and relieved, his hand was surrounded by blue light and so was I, he saved me, again.... *Sigh* What's with me and being vulnerable? Sans brought me back up and set me down. "Please, be more careful?" "*Giggle* No promises." I climbed through the window back inside and headed to my closet to grab some clothes. Sans came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Whatcha doing there buddy?" "Just admiring the most beautiful person I've ever seen. What are you doing?" "I'm getting some clothes to put on." "Oh really now?" "Yeah, you see, I can't wear these clothes all the time." "I never knew." "Hehe, yeah, so, I'm gonna change, you stay here." "Awe, I can't watch?" "No. Stay." "Alright." I walked to the bathroom and closed the door and changed into a f/c tank top, black jeans, s/f/c boots and pulled my hair into a loose (very loose) ponytail, (If you can), and walked back out to see Sans on his phone laying down on the floor. "Now what are you doing?" "Just chillin', wanna go get breakfast?" "Sure, why not." Sans stood up and we headed to the dinning hall, since it was still early we were the first ones there. Not even the chef was here yet. I grabbed an apple and left. "What, not gonna make breakfast this morning?" "Naw, I wanna do something else." I bit into my apple and headed upstairs, I went up the the third floor and walked to the music room. Since Undyne was up early, I'm guessing she went for a morning jog. I walked over to the piano and sat down. My hands placed over the keys reflexively and I tried to think of a song that I could play.

I decided to play Ancient History by Set It Off. I started the song and begun to sing for a bit.

You Sans Both

"No, there's no denying chemistry this strong

Yes, pretend it's right but we both know it's wrong

Thinking about the storm advancing
Thinking about the lightning dancing
In your eyes
But I

Can't shake these memories that rain inside "

There was a second voice behind me.

"Tension builds,
I think we're under-thinking part time thrills

It was Sans, he picked up the guitar and we continued the song together.

"I know, I know how to drive you wild
You know, you know how to make me smile
But I need you to be
My ancient history

Damn, pick up the phone, oh, I know I'm drunk again
And you know my intentions 'cause it's two AM

It's fun and games until we both get hurt
We play with fire 'cause we like the way it burns
No use in patching up a sinking ship.
This is the last time we do this, baby
This is the last time you taste my lips

I know, I know how to drive you wild
You know, you know how to make me smile
But I need you to be
My ancient history
I know, I know who you really are
You know, you know how to break my heart
But I need you to be
My ancient history

Yeah, it's the way you let me throw you across the bed
Got you running through my head
When I know I should be sleeping
But I can't escape
You're addicted to the lust,
The imaginary trust
That you're begging for me, screaming for it
Here we go, now it's time to cut the cord
And abandon all support
We're through.

I know, I know how to drive you wild
You know, you know how to make me smile
But I need you to be
My ancient history
I know, I know who you really are
You know, you know how to break my heart
But I need you to be
My ancient history

I know, I know,
You know, you know
(No baby don't come back, don't come back)
But I need you to be
My ancient history

The song ended and we locked eyes, then burst into laughter. "That was really good, where did you learn guitar?" "A friend, where did you learn piano?" "When I was little." *Knock knock* Sans knocked on the door and the person listening to us sighed and spoke, "Who's there?" "Ja" "Ja who?" "Ja know this is stupid right?" I giggled and Sans chuckled. "Whatcha want?" "I wanna know who's in there with you, who the pianist is." "Oh, they're cool." "Yeah I know that! But what's their name? They play really well." "Well, it's someone. Wanna see?" "Hell yeah!" "Alright." He opened the door and I turned to see Undyne looking at me with a smile, "Heh,, knew it. No one here can play the piano as well as you." "Oh, umm, thanks?" "No problem, anyways Sans, I have to tell you something, come out here with me." "Oh sure Undyne." Sans walked out with her and I watched them go downstairs. I waited a few minutes and headed down there myself to go back to my room. I walked in and crashed on my bed. "Uuuggghhh," singing that really took a number on my throat. I grabbed my water and drank some. I laid down on my bed and starred at my closet for a bit til my door opened to reveal a worried Sans.

"Hey, what's up?" He sat next to me. "We got a new mission." "What is it?" "Well, we gotta take out these two people who are planning to attack this area." "Oh, why did you look so worried when you came to tell me?" "Well, because we will have to infiltrate their hideout and these guys mean business, they got security cameras and guards and heavy machinery and-" "Hey, it's gonna be fine, if things turn south, we'll find a way, alright?" "Alright, we just need a plan of action now." "yeah, I guess so." I stood up and grabbed something from my closet, it was a smallish white board that I hadn't put on my wall yet. I kinda stole it from a base after a mission and never put it up, heh. I placed the whiteboard on my wall and started to ask Sans about all he knew about the targets.

||My Princess|| Mafiatale!Sans x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now