Ch. 15

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Where am I going with this again? I'm not sure anymore.

"Sure, I'll play."

Hazel wrapped her arms around Sans' and lead him downstairs where Undyne and Papyrus were waiting for them. "So, what game are we playing Human?" Papyrus gleamed with joy as Sans walked over to the group. "Yeah, punk, you really didn't give us any details while you dragged us down here." Undyne added, while Sans just stood close to Papyrus until Hazel spoke. "We're going to play Truth or Dare, but, it'll be a little different than to what you're used too." She rummaged through her bag she had hid and pulled out a cube.

The cube floated in her hand and she pressed a button on it. "When it says name, say your name, ok?" They nodded in agreement. First was Undyne, then Papyrus, Sans, Hazel. "So, how do we play then?" Sans questioned. "Like this. *Ahem* Cube, start game." The cube arose and turned white. A name flashed on the sides: Hazel. Then another: Undyne. "The first name to pop up is the one who asks, the other is the one being asked. If you don't answer truthfully, the cube will turn red and make a buzzer sound, and we can't continue until you get it right. When you answer truthfully, it will turn green and make a soft ding sound then pick other names, got it?" They nodded.

Round 1: Hazel & Undyne

*Time Skip*

Round 12: Hazel & Sans Drunken questions

Hazel took another gulp of her drink as Sans awaited to be questioned, his stupid grin spreading. "Alright Sansy, *hic* who do you love more, me or that one chick you call a girlfriend?" Sans thought for a bit, still drunk and unreasonable. "Well, right now, I'm really loving this drink, but I lov-" Hazel kissed him. He kissed back. No one stopped them. She just stayed there until she needed air. Hazel pulled away and asked Sans to finish his sentence. "Right now, *hic* I love Hazel." The cube turned green and a soft ding was heard, then it started picking the next participants. Hazel's smile grew wider when she looked up at the stairwell and saw y/n spying on them, then running off. Best night ever.

Asgore seemed worried about something. Nobody could tell what it was exactly. He had sadness in his eyes and was walking around the living quarters a while, looking for something. No one asked him what he was doing, they just continued their schedules and proceeded to go on their missions for today. But, something seems off, the atmosphere seems a little different. There isn't any music, working noises, or loud chatter. There's just quiet conversations and whispers among the monsters.

One found it. They found the reason. They knew why Asgore was looking so down. They knew why it was so off today. One person didn't come down for meals, they didn't play the piano, they didn't talk to Asgore. Y/N wasn't here. Where was she? She wasn't in her room, the music room, the dining hall. Maybe went out this morning for something? No, she would have told Asgore. Maybe snuck out? No, she would've come back by this time. Where did she go, and why?

Sans looked normal, like nothing was off, nothing was bothering him. Hazel stuck to him like glue. Sometimes trying to hold his hand. Sans finally noticed someone was missing. "Hey, where's y/n?" Everyone turned to look at him and gave him a look that said "really??" Undyne walked over to him and said "She's been gone all day, didn't you notice?" "Uhh, would it be bad if I said no?" Undyne looked furious and stomped off mumbling "She deserves better than you."

Hazel squeezed Sans' arm and asked if he wanted to check out her room for clues. He agreed and walked up the stairs towards y/n's room. The door opened with ease and they stepped inside.

Inside was as it should be, minus y/n. the bed was made, the closet was empty except for a jacket or two, and the bathroom was clean. The only difference was the desk. Papers were scattered everywhere. Notes, doodles, music notes. Y/n's journal was open to the first page. Hazel plopped on the bed and looked at the drawings on the wall while Sans read through all of the pages until he got to the end.

The last page was the one that shook him the most.

"Whoever is reading this, it's too late for me. Don't speak of my existence. Don't tell others where I've gone. It doesn't matter anyways. I lost everything, and I've disappointed so many people and monsters. If you do wish to find me, recite this spell and a message will be sent to your location about my whereabouts. I hope you are with the ones you love, and I wish great happiness to you.

Kaz'zhech Zhech'pusk

have a nice day


Sans' heart stopped as he reread the letter over and over until it was burned in his brain. Sans turned toward the window and wondered why y/n would even think about running away.

Sans slowly read the spell outloud and a flash of (f/c) light appeared in front of him, slowly transforming into a figure that looked exactly like y/n from top to bottom.

"If you are seeing this message, then you have read my note and spoke the spell. Incase you were wondering, yes, I am fine. I have fled to Mt. Ebbot and will be back home in a few days. I just need time to rethink and cool down and regain my reasons for staying here. Even though I've lost something recently, I believe I'm handling it well" Tears were running her cheeks as she continued talking. "Tell Hazel that she can have Sans. He obviously loves her more than me." Y/N fades out and a video starts playing instead. It was of last night, it was Sans & Hazel's turn. Hazel kissed him and Sans said he loved her more. Then it went to another video. Hazel holding Sans' hand, Hazel and Sans leaning on each other and staring at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time. Then videos of Y/N and Sans having arguments and how Hazel was the one who had started them. When Sans would storm off, he was joined with Hazel at the hip and she was telling him how much she thinks he's right while leaving y/n in a paralyzed state with tears flowing down her face like waterfalls. Then the video ended and the messenger returned, in more tears than before, to say one more thing. "Fuck you." Then it disappeared into thin air.

Sans Sans realized that the more time he spent with y/n, the less she was seen. Yeah, she would leave to go on a mission, she would watch anime with Alphys and Undyne and talk to Papyrus, but avoided Sans when he was around Hazel. She was hurt and had every right to be. He was the one who'd hurt her, and she was just protecting herself from another pain inflicted look.

Hazel came up from behind Sans and kissed his cheek. "See, you fell in love with me even before you realized it. Now, since her message said she'll be back in a few days, we can just leave her be. Wait til she gets back to explain but by then, you'll be mine and she'll just have to live with it."

Sans looked up at Hazel with an angry expression, "Was that your plan all along? Was y/n right about you? Are you from the enemy mafia?" "Oh heavens no, they're not worth my time. Y/n wasn't right about anything other than that I wanted something." Sans looked at her questioningly. "What do you want?" Hazel walked over to Sans and pulled him closer to her, "You." Her eyes turned red and she mumbled a spell while Sans stood helplessly staring into her eyes until he was almost unconscious. "What are you?" "Your newest lover." Sans blacked out.

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