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*The songs at the top are just to listen to while reading X3 enjoy!!*

*3 years after monsters are freed*

Sweat running down my face as I pick up my pace. My hair clinging to my face and neck. I can't hear anything except for the noise my feet make hitting the sidewalk. I turn into an alley and try to find a way to the roof. Ugghh, if only.. No. I can do this. I grab a hold of a window ledge and pull myself out of the alleyway and onto the roof to see my chaser confused and turned back and continued running the opposite direction.

"Sigh. That was close. Too close." I sat down, speaking to noone in particular. I stayed a bit, wondering what to do next when I smelt fast food, booze, and drunks. I get up and jump roof to roof til I'm on top of the place. It's a bar called Grillby's. I head over to the side and climb down. Before I walk in I might want to check who's in the place. I look through the window and see a counter across from the entrance, 3 booths on the left side with 1 or 2 monsters or humans, 2 booths on the right side with 1 person there, and a piano on the right side. I pull up my hood so it covers the top half of my face and walk in.

I felt a few unwanted stares but I'm used to it. I head straight for the counter and get greeted by a man made of fire. "Hello, my name is Grillby. What would you like to order?" I looked at the menu and pointed to the fries. "Ok, I'll go get it." He left and I pulled out the only G I had left. 27g. Like that'll pay off my food. He came back with a small thing of fries and noticed the G on the counter. "Do you play the piano?" I nodded a 'yes'. "I'll make you a deal, if you can get this crowd to like you on the piano, then your meal is free." I hesitated but accepted his offer and walked to the piano.

(Play song)

While I was playing the audience slowly eased up and they started enjoying themselves. When I finished, they wanted some more songs so I played a few of the classical songs and for my finale I played 'Partners In Crime'. Everyone clapped and cheered and I headed back to my seat and continued eating, putting the G that Grillby had kept an eye on back in my pocket. I still kept my hood on so no one saw my face.

After a bit, I finished my food and start to head out when 3 monsters entered the bar right when I got off my seat. There were 2 skeletons, 1 my height, the other, really tall. The third monster was a fish lady. She was a little shorter than the tall skeleton but still pretty tall. They stared walking towards the counter and I headed towards the door.

The short one eyed me suspiciously but continued on. I left but before I closed the door, I heard the short one say "Are you sure boss wants that one?" I quickly started to walk away and climbed up one of the side of the buildings to get out of their sights.

I jump from roof to roof until I reach an abandoned building. I head in and sit on one of the chairs, how it's not breaking, I'll never know. I take off my hood and jacket and head over to the mirror that is all broken and dirty. After a bit of staring, I saw a figure of a shadow walking towards me. I tilt my head down and reach for my throwing knifes in my pocket. I turn around and throw one but it doesn't hit my target, instead it has a blue aura around it and a few centimeters away from my victim's head.

"Woah now, I'm friendly. Calm it." He has a sorta deep sorta laidback tone to his voice. He started walking towards me and I backed up enough to where I ran into the mirror. He's a few feet away so that gives me space to run. I bolt for a window and jump out, breaking it in the process. "Shit! C'mon doll we don't have to do this the hard way!!" I ran away from the guy. While he was walking up to me I caught a glance at him and he was the short skeleton from the bar from earlier.

I kept running and found a building and climbed up to the top. I ran from building to building, not noticing the sun rising on the horizon. As I ran, he was catching up. I run faster, he catches up quicker. I jumped off one of the buildings and landed on some trash that broke my fall. The skeleton hopped down and searched the alley that I fell into. I was covered in trash so he couldn't find me.

After a bit of searching, his buddies met up with him and I heard their conversation. "Where did she go?!" It was a female voice, must be the fish lady. "She was jumping roofs then fell down here, I can't find her though." Short skeleton. "That's ok, we'll go inform boss. You keep searching." Tall skeleton I presume. "Alright. See ya guys back at HQ." Then footsteps. I poked my head up after a good ten minutes, and didn't see anyone.

I stood up, cracked my back, and climbed up a wall. I went over to one of the taller buildings and sat on the edge. I heard footsteps come towards me but I don't care anymore. "Are you just gonna stand there or do you want to sit and talk?" He walked over and sat next to me. "So, like you heard earlier, our boss wants you." "Why?" "Beats me. I'm not the one to ask the boss on his decisions. So, wanna do this the easy way, or continue the hard way?" "I'll only go with you if you carry me up with your magic."

"Why?" "Because I'm interested in learning about new things. And you, my good sir, are one interesting person." "Aww, thanks doll. Now, shall we be on our way?" "Yeah. But before we do that, can you get me my jacket that's back at my house?" "Uhh, sure." He disappeared and reappeared with my f/c jacket that I had on earlier. I slipped it on and kept the hood down so I could gain his trust since I'll see him often. "Heh, now we can go." I stood up and inched closer to the edge of the building.

"Hey, what's your name? I didn't hear the others say it yet." "Oh, my name is Sans, Sans the skeleton. What's your name?" "You should know my name if I'm your target, correct?" "Right. Heh." He rubbed the back of his skull nervously. I was facing him with my back to the sun and my feet on the edge of the roof. "Well, we better get going." "Yeah." Then I jumped and he started to freak. Like really freak out. He caught me with his magic and held me upside down. "Hehehe." "Heh, kid don't scare me like that." "Naw, It's kinda funny how you look when you're worried." I laughed a bit more and Sans sighed. "Ok It's time to go back to HQ." "Ok." He climbed down the building and I was floating next to him in his blue aura magic thing.

When we reached his headquarters he released the aura around me and I fell on my stomach on the ground. "*Mumble*" "What was that doll?" I lifted my head and looked at him like I just woke up but I had a scratch here and there. "I said, 'Fuck you'". "Yeah, that's what I thought you said." He opened the door and was greeted with 'welcome home!'s and 'how was the mission?'s. I quietly and quickly got up and pulled my hood over my head. When I didn't walk in, Sans turned around, grabbed my wrist, and dragged me inside. People glared but I shrugged it off, seeing as I get death glares all the time.

Sans dragged me up some stairs and into a hallway. He let go. "Ok, see that door at the end with the symbol on it?" "Yeah, it's kinda hard not to. Heh." "Yeah, well that's where boss is. Have fun." He waved and left me to walk on my own. "Thanks." I said before he was out of earshot. Welp, time to go meet the boss.

||My Princess|| Mafiatale!Sans x Reader (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant