Ch. 10

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 It all happened so fast. They were cornering us, we couldn't escape. Sans was knocked out and I was too weak physically to do anything. Papyrus surrendered so he was already at their base, Undyne, Sans and I were stuck. Sans tried to run but one of the guys punched him and they fought for a bit then knocked Sans out, now it was just Undyne and I. I didn't want it to have to come to this but I might have to...resort to, drastic measures. One of the men leaped towards us and held me at knife point. Undyne tried to get him off but I stopped her. My right eye shone a dim s/c as I tossed the man across the room. I took my jacket off and summoned my wings, my eye shone brighter and flames escaped it. "Anyone wanna go?" Most of them held their stance but others shifted and backed up a bit. Undyne walked up to me and petted my wings. "So pretty.." "Thanks, now, lets get out of here." I grabbed Undyne and she picked Sans up and I walked forward but we still didn't have a way out so I lifted everyone up, took a lot of mental strength, and tossed them to the side. I pulled Undyne to the exit and we exited to the top of the roof. "Do you trust me?" "What?" "Do you trust me?" "Yes." I jumped, pulling her with me, and started flying. It was the first time in a while holding something heavier than me so it took a bit of struggling. 

We reached the base and I place Undyne on the ground. She ran inside carrying Sans and took him to Alphys I believe. I stayed outside gathering myself and headed to my room to stock on ammo and knives. I had to go back and get Papyrus or else Sans would try and knowing him, he would get seriously hurt, and we still didn't meet our objective. We were there to rescue a hostage but things turned south. I grabbed a few more guns, my holster, and headed out. I was outside about ready to go climb the building when I was grabbed by my arm. "Where do you think you're going?" "To save Papyrus. Stay here, you have to protect the base." I turned to face Undyne with Alphys behind her. "Please don't go until Sans wakes up." "What if he doesn't wake up anytime soon, I have to go save Papyrus and the hostage now!" I pulled my arm from her grasp and started to climb the building. I reached the top and looked down to see Undyne slyly smiling and gave me a thumbs up. I returned the smile and jumped off, flying I headed towards the rival's base.

It was around 11:30 pm when I landed on the roof. I scanned the area for any guards and found about 5 outside. I picked them off one by one. I entered the building and quietly took out any guards that became suspicious of movement near me. I heard a few guards taking about how Papyrus was really loud and annoying and one of them said he was on the third floor. I headed up there and had to create a distraction for the guards to leave the door unattended. I opened the door and saw a desk and a little glimpse of movement behind a locked door. I walked over to the desk and the chair turned around to show Crutes (the rival mafia leader). "Well, now isn't this a pleasant surprise! My my, how you've grown." I gave him a death glare. "Still upset about what happened to your friends? Well no matter, you'll get over them because you'll be mourning your other friends very soon." I took a step closer to him and held my hand out, s/c flames escaping my right eye and tears flowing down the other one. A s/c glow wrapped around Crutes neck and he started to explain what would happen next. "I put a tracker on your little skeleton friend and you lead us straight to your base, now, I have all my gunmen surrounding that building ready to strike at any moment." I lowered my hand, "What do you want from me?" The venom dripped from my words, "I want you to return to work for me and no harm will come to your friends." "Why do you want me exactly? All I did for you was a be your petty maid. When I escaped you sent assassins to kill me. Why am I soooo important now?" He stood up and walked over to the locked door, "Well, it has come to my attention that you hold very valuable information and you are a perfect test subject." "Test subject?" He motioned at my eye.

"You have half a monster soul yes?" "I'm.. not sure." "Well," he unlocked the door and opened it, revealing Papyrus sitting in the corner. "I'll let him go and your other friends if you agree to stay and be tested upon." I sat on the ground and started to think this over. If I decline, everyone dies, if I accept, everyone lives but I might die.

"Well? What's it gonna be?" Crutes cocked a gun and pointed it at Papyrus, "*Mumble*" He turned around, "What was that?" "I said I'll join you, just don't hurt him." "Excellent choice! Now, I know your original mission was to rescue a hostage, but do not worry, that was just bait." He smiled and placed his gun on his desk. I got up and walked to Paps. "Hey Papyrus?" He looked up at me and smiled happily. "I KNEW I WOULD BE SAVED! LET'S GO HOME!" "Yeah, you go on ahead I'll be right there." He left the room and Crutes told him how to exit the base. I walked out of the room and starred at Crutes. "Go ahead, walk him home. I'll be waiting."

I took Paps to Grillby's but since he didn't like the place he went straight to the base and I headed inside of the bar and sat at the counter. "Hey Grillby?" "Hmm?" "Get me your best beer." He pulled a bottle out from under the counter and placed it in front of me. "Thanks." 

After about 10 or 12 beers, I asked Grillby something. "CAn yUo gIvE SanS a mEsaGE, AnD oNlY SanS, nO ONe ElsE?" "Yeah, what's up?" "TeLl him' THe sUns seTs toNighT, Let'S waTcH it SomEtiMe oK?'" "Is that all?" "And AlsO tEll hIM, '467 RuSteR cIr. ThiRd flOoR, RooM 24.'" "Alright. Next time I see him, I'll be sure to tell him." "ThankS GrilLbs, YoUR THe beSt." I got up with a beer bottle still in hand and walked out yelling "PuT it ON hIS TaB!"

I walked back to Crutes' base and collapsed in front of the stairs.

*Alphy's POV* 

Sans' heart beat was stable and he had bruises all around he chest and face. Papyrus arrived earlier and he started healing him but something is wrong. He will wake up in a few days, but his brain scans are telling me that he is distressed and I haven't seen y/n all night. Uggh, this is so frustrating! I tried to ask Undyne if she knew where y/n was, Undyne said she left to go rescue Papyrus but shouldn't she be here with him then? Undyne left to go check Grillby's and I had to watch Sans' heart rate levels. Oh I do hope she is ok.

*Sans' POV*

I was stuck in a dream. All I remember was being knocked out and then I entered this strange new land thing I think? It was all wacky, there were pictures flowing by, pictures with many different people, some even had y/n in them. I walked up to one with y/n and touched it, it started moving and I heard voices. Y/n was looked at herself in a mirror and examining herself for any bruises, then she turned around and started talking to me. Where am I? Did I somehow wind up in y/n's memories? But why? I walked away and kept heading to the end. There was a figure standing at the end of the pictures/memories and the closer I got, the more it looked like y/n. 

I ran over to her and she turned around to see me embracing her. "Hey Sans. I see that my mind magic is working well." "Where am I? Why are you here?" "We are in my mind, the memory room to be exact. You are here because I want to tell you something." "What is it? Are you ok?" "I'll be fine, but when you wake up, head straight to Grillby's. Ask Grillby about a message and listen very carefully to what he says. I don't have a lot of time left so I want you to remember that even through death, I'm still with you." She kissed me and then started to fade away. "Wait, what'll happen to me?" "You'll be transported back into your own mind so don't worry." "I love you Princess." "I love you too Sansy". Then she faded and I was immediately back into reality. I opened my eyes and blinked from the brightness of the lights. I looked over to my left and saw Alphys talking to Paps. She turned my way and ran over. "How long was I out?" "A f-few days, j-just like I-I thought." "Is it ok for me to leave." "Y-Yeah, you're v-vital signs a-are stable s-so your g-good to go." "Ok, thanks." I get up and go over and hug Papyrus. "WELCOME BACK BROTHER!" "It's good to be back, where is y/n?" "WE DON'T KNOW, LAST I SAW SHE WAS AT GRILLBY'S." I pat him on the shoulder and teleport there. 

I walk in and Grillby takes notice of me and mentions me over. "y/n left you a message." "Alright, what is it?" "The sun sets tonight, let's watch it Sometime OK?" "Is that all?" "No, she also said,467 Ruster cir. Third floor, room 24." I nod and say thanks and run out of Grillby's. I'm coming y/n, please be ok.

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