Ch. 19

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*Sans' POV*

"Hazel...." She... I looked over to my left. Y/n was also tied down. "Y/n! Y/n! Babe! Please wake up! Please! Hazel needs your help! Heal her! She didn't deserve this! It wasn't her fault... I forgive you, Hazel. I... I'm sorry."

*Your POV*

I woke with a jolt. But I didn't move. I looked down, and saw I was tied to a chair. I looked over to my right and saw Sans sobbing and muttering something, and hazel was in the floor, unresponsive.

"Sans? Are you okay?" His head jolted up, "Y/n?" He turned to me, "You're awake!" "If you don't want to be in the chair, I suggest you teleport out of it. Or you'll just have to wait til I get out of mine." He got flustered, "O-oh, right. Heh." Sans teleported out of the chair and it's locks while I figited with mine.

Sans sat next to Hazel and held up a syringe. "Is Hazel alright or?" "You need to help her. She didn't deserve this. Yeah she did some fucked up shit in the past, but that wasn't her choice. She was a nice girl and I would've loved to be her friend. I should've just accepted her apology earlier." He turned to me, "She really is a good person."

I finally get out of the chair and sit next to Hazel. I put my hand on the spot she plunged the syringe into her arm, and tried to take out the poison.

It was no use. She was gone and there wasn't anything I could do. Sans is right, she didn't deserve to die this way.

What's done is done. You can't change the past. You have to keep moving forward.

I grabbed Sans' hand and dragged him away from Hazel. Instead if going upstairs, we went straight. Deeper into this base. Trying to find what we came here for.

Door after door, no luck. There wasn't a trace of where the poison was. Finally, we reached a door. It was painted black with blood splattered around.

Sans opened the door and I quickly followed. Inside was a table, and a chair turned around. I walked over to the chair and found a note.

Excellent, you have found my safe place. Now, you must go to the top of this building and find me. I have a surprise waiting for you.

Sans grabbed the note and then grabbed my hand. We teleported to the middle level. "What are we doing here?" "I wanted to see if he had the poison here." Sans pulled out the syringe from earlier. "Can't you, like, super smell track this shit?"

I grabbed the syringe, took a bit of the poison off from the tip, and put it into the wall. From there, bright lines showed us the way.

When we got there, the poison was all over the floor. It wasn't going to be easy to antidote this shit up, but we were gonna do it.

I grabbed Sans' hands and placed them around my waist. My wings grew and I lifted us off the ground and onto a safer, higher place in the room.

Sans gave me the one thing I needed for the antidote, a white rose petal.

With the spell I memorized before hand, I turned the poison good.

Not my best work, but it'll do until we get rid of it all.

Sans grabbed my waist again and teleported us to the top floor.

There, we saw the one thing that stood in our way from killing the leader and completing our mission.


Maybe 59-62 of them here. Top floor beat down, then onto the roof.

They attacked first.

Sans lifted them up, and threw 'em. Faster blasters all around, and bones.

I kicked and punched, got hit a few times, flew to dodge, and summoned a knife.

By the time we got through, the sun was rising already.

Sans was tired, and so was I.

Soon enough, he knocked out. I carried him until we got to a safe place to rest.

I put up a barrier around him, just in case. Soon enough, I was asleep also.

||My Princess|| Mafiatale!Sans x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now