Chapter Twenty Four.

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#Athasia's back.

Yes it took me more than eleven chapters to decide their ship name.

What can I say, I'm a slow person. *shrugs*

I know I'm tiny bit late in updating but i'm very sure that this long ass update will make up for it.

Warning:- Your mind are going to spin like those tea cup rides in the amusements parks after reading this chapter lol.

Hope you guys like it!



"Is he in the dungeons?"

Tyler gave me a curt nod at my question before I turned around and entered my room. Ana was sleeping on the bed, cuddling with my pillow like a baby. Moving towards her, I leaned down and pressed my lips to her cheek.

"I'll be back soon, babygirl."

With that I walked out of the house and then in the dense forest behind our house. Discarding our clothes in the bushes, Tyler, Ansel and I changed into our wolves and were off towards the pack dungeons in seconds.

My blood was boiling with rage and fury.

 One of the men I trusted stabbed me right into the back. Not only me, but also the people whom he had been treating like family since birth.

We reached the abandoned looking cottage within minutes. Changing back into our human forms, we grabbed the shorts from the basket kept there.

The cottage looked so scrappy, old and unmaintained. There was dried branched and all over it's top. It was a basic breeding place for spiders and all sorts of reptiles. Not to forget it looked so small to even fit 20 people from outside. But we knew better.

Pushing the rusted door open we entered to see two buff looking men sitting on the chairs present. They immediately stood up as we entered, bowing down at us.


I command and immediately one of them turned around and took of the tilted, hanging half torn painting down and softly tapped the wall before stepping away.

We watched as the brick pushed in and a switch board came from it's right settling in it's place. The guard, Xian, pushed the red knob down and the ground of the cottage started shifting.

About 5 steps away in front of us the ground opened as Tyler stepped forward and climbed down inside the hole. Ansel followed and I entered the last with the help of the stairs that led us underground about 15 ft. down.

Upon reaching down I saw Tyler pushing his finger on the fingerprint lock system as it pinged the door, which looked like wall, open and we reached the dungeons. The walls automatically as we were inside.

We padded through the look alike walls of the dungeon that we be no less than a maze to someone who comes here for the first time.

After taking a lots of twist and turns we reached the cellar part of it where all the severe criminals of the complete kingdom were.

This wasn't any normal pack dungeon.

It was a prison.

Prison for the wrong doers of the kingdom.

There was pin drop silence as we walked through the suffocating dungeons. My hands were folded behind my back as I walked forward with Tyler and Ansel both following me.

The Alpha Of The AlphasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora