Chapter Twenty two.

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I'm updating an year late. What a lazy ass I am.



Sorry about the lame joke. By the way, Wish you guys a very happy year ahead. I've decided to set goals. And hence,

Next update after,

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Chapter 22

Arthur's pov

"Follow her."

I command as Tom and Luke give me a curt nod and were out of the door before one could blink. I sighed and rake a hand through my hair before going back to my chair.

"Do you think this'll work?"

Ansel asked as he chomped on an apple. Tyler gave him an annoyed glance.

"Yes it will."


Ansel said with his mouth full, which would have made me cringe a bit, but right now I didn't care. Right now all I cared was for a call from my men.

"You're stupid."

I hear as Tyler mutters to Ansel. Ansel looks back at him with sharp eyes.

"As if you're the reincarnation of the Einstein himself."

"Well not Einstein but I'm said to be close reincarnation to my great grandfather, who had one of the greatest IQ's."

"Oh! I pity your great grandfather. His name is being ruined by an utter fool."

"Shut up!"

I mutter tersely as they both stop bickering and look at me.

"Can you guys be serious?"

They mumble sorry before sitting back. Stupid wolfs.

It took half an hour before we finally got a call. I picked it up and put it on speaker as Tyler and Ansel leaned forward on my desk.


"King, Ashley has just left the pack house."

He informed me.

"Good. Follow her and keep informing me."

I order him.

"Yes king."

I cut the phone at his words. Few minutes until we know where does she goes to every day.

Yesterday when we came to know about Ashley's constant moving around the border. We decided this plan to secretly follow her without any other pack member knowing. She wouldn't know, she was being followed because we had a witch get to hide Toms' and Luke's scents and gave them a car which belonged to a human, in case they needed to follow her.

So now we had sent them both to the pack house and told to keep an eye on her and give us the list of her activities. We already knew the time around which she used to go out, so it was easy to wait for her.

Another ring of the phone made the eerie silence break. The two idiots hadn't dared say a word.


I queried when I heard Tom on the other line.

"She's entering the human mall."

"What? Okay fine whatever, just follow her."

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