Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"I hate you." I pouted, shoving him lightly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. You're just so cute when you get flustered," Phil smirked.

"Shut up..." I muttered, sinking down into my chair.

...Skip to lunchtime...

"Can you go get us some napkins?" Phil asked, taking a bite of his food.

I groaned, glaring up at him. "Why don't you do it?" I asked.

"Well," Phil thought for a minute. "for one, I'm older. Therefore, you have to do what I say." He smiled proudly.

"Seriously? What are we, four?"

"Four months apart, yes."

I groaned, getting up out of my chair. "You owe me."

Phil grinned sweetly, quite a contrast to the smug look he had on his face moments earlier.

I was on my way back to the table when a petite girl approached me. She had dark brown hair with red streaks in it, giving her an edgy vibe.

"Dan," the girl grabbed me by the arm, stopping me.


"Okay, I really don't want to do this because you used to be a complete jerk and I know you're not as bad now but I don't know you well and I'm only doing this for my brother, understand?" She spoke quickly, crossing her arms.

"I um... yes?"

"Good," She continued. "My brother, I don't know if you know him; he's in the year below us and his name is Alec, he has a pretty bad stutter, usually doesn't even talk to people because of it. That's why I'm telling you all this and not him. Well, that and he has social anxiety, but that's besides the point. Anthony has been picking on him for the past few months, and it's really been getting him, so seeing you beat Anthony to a pulp like that, it really made his day. He couldn't stop talking about the way you slammed him to the ground and stuff. And of course now he's out of school for a bit so Alec doesn't have to worry about him too much right now. So um, thanks for not being a complete jerk."

I stared at her in shock, unsure how to react. "Um, you're welcome...?"

She seemed satisfied, and turned to walk away.

"Hey, wait." I called out, unsure why I was deciding to do this.

"Yeah?" She stopped, turning around.

"Do-do you and your brother want to come sit with us?" I asked, motioning to the table where Phil sat.

She looked surprised at first, but then suspicious. "Okay, but you better not crack any jokes about my brother, I don't know how much you've really changed, Howell." She glared. She may be short, but she was intimidating.

"Um, got it." I swallowed, avoiding eye contact. "Our table is that one by the window; you can come sit with us when you feel like it."

"Okay, I'll go ask my brother if he wants to!" She grinned, her mood changing completely.

I nodded, turning around and continuing to walk back to Phil and I's table.

'What had I gotten myself into?'

Phil's POV

"I um, I kinda invited some people to sit with us." Dan said, taking a seat.


"This younger kid named Alec and his sister... I actually don't know what she goes by... she's a girl in our year with red and brown hair."

I wasn't sure whom he was talking about, but I nodded anyway.

A few moments later, the pair arrived at our table. The girl, who introduced herself as Val, could be easily described in one word: bold. From her bright red highlights to her flashy clothes, here whole appearance seemed to be screaming for attention. Her brother on the other hand, he was her complete counterpart. He was wearing light greys and blues, the soft colors allowing him to blend into the crowd. His hair was a light brown, almost blond, and hung against his head in tight curls. He was rather cute, but it was more in a child-like way. Nothing like the way Dan looked.

"So Dan," Val started. "what made you decide to stop being an asshole?"

I choked on my drink.

Alec glared at his sister, sending an apologetic glance towards Dan

Dan blushed, obviously not expecting such a forward question. "Oh um... I guess it was Phil."

It was my turn to blush as Dan took my hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

"That's grossly adorable," She laughed, taking a bite of her food.

"You asked," Dan grinned.

It was a matter of minutes before we were all deep in discussion, conversation coming naturally to us. Even shy little Alec managed to throw in the occasional comment.

"—And t-t-th-then I'm l-l-like, "Th-th-at's what sh-she said!" We all burst out laughing as Alec finished his story.

"I can't...breath" Val choked out between laughs, hitting her hand on the table.

Unfortunately, the lunch bell rang, telling us to get to our next class.

"You guys should sit wit us again tomorrow!" I suggested, smiling at them both.

"What do you think Alec?" Val turned to her brother who nodded enthusiastically.

Dan smiled. Great! See you tomorrow then."

We bid our goodbyes and headed off to our next classes.

"They were nice," I smiled, taking Dan's hand in mine.

"Yeah," Dan agreed. "I wish we had some classes with them."

I smiled, releasing Dan's hand as we walked into the classroom. My eyes wandered to where Dan and I sat, and I was surprised to see the empty seat next to us had someone sitting in it. Suddenly I froze, causing Dan to run into me.

"Ah! Phil? What is it?" Dan followed my gaze, his eyes widening as he saw what I was looking at.

"Dan? I didn't expect to see you here!" Amanda's obnoxious voice rang in my ears as she jumped up, smiling and waving at him.

"Phil?" Dan nudged me slightly, an anxious look on his face. "You okay?"

I clenched my jaw, giving him a forced smile. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

A/N: :)))))))))))

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