Chapter 11

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Harry's P.O.V

I headed out to the lot and immediately noticed Nick standing by a matte black Range Rover. "Nice car." I complimented.

"Thanks." He smiled and opened up the passenger side door. I blushed but climbed into the car. He ran over to the driver's side and climbed in as well. "So what do you want to do?"

"I guess we could go to the Starbucks down the road." I suggested.

"Sounds good." He smiled and pulled out of the parking lot, heading to Starbucks. "Don't move." He got out of the car and I obeyed, sitting in the car. My door was soon being opened to see Nick's smiling face. I climbed out of the car, a blush coating my cheeks.

"I'm capable of opening my own door you know." I chuckled.

"Yeah I know but being the gentleman I am, I felt the need to open it for you." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back and we entered Starbucks.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you?" A kind barista asked in a sickly sweet tone.

"Hello I'll have a caramel macchiato and what will you have Harry?" Nick turned to me.

"Yeah can I have a vanilla latte with a shot of that caramel creamer." I answered.

"Okay, can I have a name for the order?" She asked.

"Nick." He answered. We headed over to where we got our drinks and waited. "I don't understand how you can even make a coffee order sound sexy."

I blushed since I wasn't used to people talking to me this way. "W-what do you mean?"

"Your voice it's so deep. Anything you say sounds so sexy." He bit his lip. He leaned forward so his breath was tickling my ear. "I bet when you moan my name it's even sexier."

My jaw dropped and I blushed an even deeper shade of red. "Nick!" A barista shouted and handed Nick our drinks.

"Close your mouth darling you'll catch flies." He winked and headed to a table. I followed him and sat in the chair across from him. "So Harry do you have a boyfriend?"

"A little bit forward of a question to ask someone you just met." I scoffed.

"I've always been bold." He shrugged, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Of course not, I wouldn't be out with you now if I did, would I?"

"And why is that?" He raised an eyebrow.

I leaned over the table. "Because he'd get jealous that I was having coffee with a very fit lad."

"Oh? Is this date then?"

"I don't know is it?" I asked since I truly didn't know. I've never really been on a date, with a guy at least.

"I guess so." He smiled. "Look I know we just met and all, but would you want to like start dating me?"

"Isn't that a bit soon? We just met." I looked at him flabbergasted.

"I don't see the point in waiting, you know? We could die at any second so why dance around things like this instead of going for it?" He said.

I thought about it, there was no harm in dating Nick and I obviously desperately needed to get over Louis. Why not right? "Okay, yeah."


"Yeah, you seem really nice and I'd love to get to know you better." I grabbed his hand across the table and he blushed.

"I'd like to get to know you better too." He smiled. "Can I take you on a real date? Like we could go see a movie Friday?"

"That sounds great can we go see Rogue One? I've been dying to see it." I gushed.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to see it too." He smiled. We continued to talk about random things, it was nice to just sit and talk with someone. After our little 'date' he drove me home.

"Thanks for this I had a great time." I smiled.

"Yeah me too." He smiled back. It was a bit awkward for a moment. "I'll uh see you tomorrow."

"Okay bye." I waved and walked inside the house. My mum was sitting on the couch watching some movie when I walked in.

"Hey Harry, where've you been?" She asked.

"Out." I replied, starting to head up the stairs.

"With a boy?" She shouted after me.

I stopped, "Yes."

"Is he like a boy friend or a boyfriend?" She cringed when saying boyfriend.

"Boyfriend, mum."

"What's his name?" She asked.


"Maybe you should bring him inside next time so I can meet him. Maybe he can come over for dinner." She suggested.

"Yeah right." I snorted and began to head back up the stairs.

"Harry Edward Styles, bring your arse back down here this instant." She yelled after me. I rolled my eyes and headed back down. "Sit." She motioned to the seat beside her. I angrily stomped over and plopped down on the couch.

"Are you just going to lecture me that I'm wrong for having a boyfriend because if you are I can jus—"

"That's not what this is about." She cut me off. "Look Harry I'm trying, I really am. I know that you're not going to change, this is who you are and I'm trying to accept that. But when you're being a total arsehole to me, it makes it really hard."

"I'm the arsehole? Last time I checked when I told you I was gay you said I was a poor excuse for a son and a disgrace to our family. How you couldn't even look at me anymore. So yeah I'm the arsehole."

"I know that's what I said but I'm trying to fix it now why can't you let me in?" She grabbed for my hand but I snatched it back.

"No you trying doesn't change the things you said to me. When you try to erase words from paper you can erase all you want but they will still faintly be there. There's no way to completely erase words, they'll always be in the back of our minds. So thanks for the effort but I'm not interested in anything you have to say."

I got up from the couch and stormed up to my room. I flopped down on my bed and screamed into my pillow, screaming soon turned to sobbing. I loved my mum, I really did but every time I looked at her all I could hear was her hateful words echoing in my head.

I sighed and I laid down on the bed, watching the fan blades spin around. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

From Nick: missing you :( xoxo

I smiled at the text, I had one thing in my life that was actually good for once.


A/n: so everyone make sure to watch the tonight with jimmy Fallon tonight, Louis and Steve will be on. Love you xoxo

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