Chapter 1

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Louis' P.O.V

I stood behind the bleachers with my best mates passing around a blunt. "I'm telling you guys this party is going to be huge." Niall exclaimed taking a long drag.

"Niall, you know parties aren't our scene." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"I know but hey I haven't gotten laid in forever." He whined. Niall is probably the most childish out of all of us. But it does make sense considering he's the youngest. Most of the dumb shit we've done is because Niall whined until we agreed.

I sighed and took the blunt from Niall. "Well if I go, I'll get drunk, meaning I'm going to do something dumb and Eleanor will be pissed." Eleanor was my girlfriend of three years now. People thought it was bizarre that Eleanor and I were even dating considering she was a poster child while I was a rebellious punk.

"I don't get why you don't dump her already." Liam snorted as he snatched the blunt from my hand.

"She maybe a bit over the top sometimes but she's my girlfriend." I shrugged.

"Aw do you love her?" Niall smirked and childishly made kissing noises.

"Love? Please I don't do love." I scoffed.

"Does she love you?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"What are you going to do if she tells you she love you?" Zayn asked.

I contemplated for a second, "I'll lie and tell her I love her too."

"Ah lying, a Louis Tomlinson specialty." Liam smirked causing me to punch him in the arm. "Ow." He mumbled rubbing his arms.

"Can we get back on track? We were talking about the party." Niall intervened.

"Niall we aren't going." I rolled my eyes.

"Please." He begged.

"No." I stated sternly.

"Please." He begged once more.

"No." I repeated.


"Okay fine." I huffed and he broke out into a smile.

He tackled me in a hug, almost making me fall. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Alright, alright get off." I shoved him off. I grabbed the blunt from Zayn and took a big hit. I sighed contently and leaned up against the bleachers.

"Louis! Louis?" Someone called from a distance.

"Shit that's Eleanor." My eyes widened and I threw the blunt to the ground putting it out with my foot.

"Hey we were still smoking that." Liam whined.

"Sorry lads but Eleanor has been on my ass about me smoking lately and I told her I quit." I shrugged.

"You've gotta stop lying to her. Eventually lies catch up to us, the more you have the worse it'll be. Being honest with her will be better for you in the long run." Zayn said.

"Thank you for the life lesson for today, Zayn." I snorted.

"Just trying to help you." He rolled his eyes. Eleanor came around the corner and smiled once she saw me. She came over to me and pecked my lips gently.

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