I'll Always Be In Your Heart- Eisuke

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Slowly, Eisuke turned around to speak. You hadn't moved a muscle as you carefully watched him, unable to feel anything anymore as everything got to be too much, but you knew, you knew inside you were crying and screaming, screaming how unfair this all was.

"I refuse to accept this." Eisuke said, looking more serious than you had ever seen him before, "I won't just sit down and watch you die on me. I can't let you die. I don't care if they say nothing can be done, until I see it for myself I won't believe it." Eisuke boldly declared he would try to find a way to save you; more than anything he just couldn't lose you.

Eisuke grabbed your hands and held them tight, "I am the richest man in the world, right? It's time I put my money to good use. I'll do whatever it takes to give us a future together." Eisuke said, bringing your ring finger to his lips and gently kissing it, "We promised ourselves to the other, I want to see to it that we fulfill our promise, together."

"Eisuke..." A small smile formed on your face from seeing him so determined. While you didn't know if he really could save you it did bring a slight glimmer of hope into your otherwise shriveling heart that was being consumed by despair.

"Thank you." You said, covering his hands with both of yours, "Yes. I want to keep our promise. Let's build a future together." You smiled and in turn so did Eisuke. Gently running his fingers through your hair, Eisuke leaned closer until your lips met and together you shared a very sweet and romantic kiss.

Since then, Eisuke put everything aside and put his focus solely on saving you. Day and night he tried to find that miracle cure, losing much sleep in the process and running himself ragged. Everyday was met with urgency as each day was a day closer to your death; Eisuke simply couldn't rest when your life was on the line. It hurt you to see how exhausted he was becoming. It even looked like he had lost weight and had bags under his eyes.

You appreciated he cared so much but at this rate you thought he'd kill himself from overwork, and that was something you couldn't bear to happen.

However, days had turned into weeks which turned into months and Eisuke was no closer to saving you. And in that time you grew weaker and more pains started to inflict upon you. Slowly, you gave up on hope. The hope you had at the beginning was quickly fading. You felt the changes in your body, your time left on this planet was fast coming to an end.

You didn't know how much longer you had left and at this point all you wished was to use all the time you did have with him. You wanted Eisuke to give up on the impossible and be with you before he lost that opportunity...forever.

"Eisuke...please just give up." You said to Eisuke one night while he was busy phoning people and typing away on his laptop. You had enough. It was time for this madness to stop.

"___? You are asking the impossible. I can't give up. I have to keep trying." Eisuke replied, seeming to ignore your desperate pleas of wanting to spend more time with him instead of him spending all his time trying to perform the impossible.

"Please. You know there's no point in continuing." You beg him, your eyes pleading, "I understand this is a difficult thing to come to terms with... I just want to spend more time with..."

"I refuse! I simply will not give up. Don't try to stop me." Eisuke replied sharply, his eyes glaring at you. He was so consumed in trying to save you he didn't even realize what he had done or the time he was letting slip away that he could have been spending with you before you were lost forever.

You were so shocked by his tone and blunt reply that tears welled up in your eyes and your whole body shook. You stood up from the sofa where you had been sitting next to him, "I just wanted to spend more time with you...!" You shouted through your tears and ran from the room into the bedroom where you threw yourself on the bed and cried into your pillow.

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