You Try to Write

194 27 18

Modelled on Wendy Cope's poem 'Some More Light Verse' in response to a Poet's Pub Prompt to write a poem based on the work of your favourite poet. Fanfic for poets.

You have to try. You try to write.
Your writing's trite. You drink, get tight.
You struggle to improve your books.
You post a poem. It gets no looks.
You eat some food. You post some junk
You drink some more. You're slightly drunk.
You read a bit, you walk, you dream.
But nothing works. You want to scream.
You don't know what to do, you cry.
You're running out of things to try.

You scratch your head. You try to write.
You try to eat and drink what's right.
You fidget lots. You make a plan.
You long to write. You know you can.
But nothing works. You want to scream.
You walk some more. You read, you dream.
You eat, you drink. Still no one looks
You struggle to improve your books.
You can not see the point. You sigh.
You try to write. You have to try.

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