Why Are You Sorry

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Why are you sorry?
This wasn't your game.
It's all my fault.
I'm the one to blame.

I started the rumors.
I put the blame on you.
I made it look like the fault was yours,
And none of it is true.

Now everyone hates you,
They bully you instead of me.
I thought doing this,
Would only make me happy.

But I just made it worse,
And now, I really worry.
But my one question to you is,
Why are you sorry?

It's a guilty feeling when you are the one who did something wrong, but the other person thinks it's all their fault. You want to explain everything to them but you're terrified of what might happen, so you just decide to keep it to yourself instead.....

Have you ever had to go through all of this guilty pain before? For something that was yours to fix, not theirs.

~!~ Diana

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