*Maybe Love Is Forever* 13

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Nicole POV

Its been a week since Austin left and he still hasnt called me. But I did make friend at work.

"Hey, Nicole, were all going out for dinner tonight. Wanna go?," my new friend Alysha asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, sure,"

"Okay cool. I'll call you tonight. Be ready at 8,"


"See ya," she smiled. "Oh. And wear something fancy,"

Oooo fancy, I love fancy. I looked down at my phone checking twitter until I ran until this random guy,

"Oh Im so sorry. That was all my fault," he quickly said helpig me up. I looked up at him and oh.my .gosh. He was SO fucking beautiful. ( A/N here's the link if you want to see what he lokos like. He is so cute! http://www.google.com/search?q=cute+tumblr+boys&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=KAzXUuCOOs7JsQSIuYLABw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=624#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=nNXz3wUfzPOn5M%253A%3BJ-Vz12Ovu1SNyM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F26.media.tumblr.com%252Ftumblr_m3c399mJHi1r7x7zzo1_500.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimgfave.com%252Fview%252F2267237%3B500%3B347)

He smiled, making me smile too. "Im Cody,"

"Nicole," I relpied. "Nice to meet you," Omg he had an accent. Australian too!

"Are you coming to dinner with us...tonight?,"

I nodded smiling, "Yeah,"

"Okay good," I smiled again. God Nicole! Stop smiling. "Is Alysha picking you up?,"

"Yeah. At 8. Why?,"

"Because I want to take you there. You're really beautiful and it would be an honor,"

I felt myself blush at the thought of him calling be beautiful. It really needed someone to take my mind off of Austin, and Cody was surely that person.


"Okay cool. Can I have your number?," he asked.

"Yeah," I handed him my phone, exchanging numbers.

"I guess i'll see you later,"

"Cool beans," We waved goodbye and I went home.


Austin POV

"Dude. Its been a week and she still hasnt called me," I told Alan.

"Then why dont you call her?,"

I shrugged, "I dont know. I'll do it now,"

I dialed in her number and waited for her to pick up. No answer. I shook it off and texted her.

Me: Hey babe. Sorry I have'nt called you. Call me

I threw my phone and my bunk and hopped in. Sighing.

"Hey Austin!," my tour manager yelled. "You have an interview. Lets go!,"

It rose up grabbing my phone in case she texts me back and left.

Nicole POV

I hopped out the shower. Feeling cold air hit my body. I grabbed my towel and Went out the bathroom door. "Holy shit! 7:30," I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed a strapless black dress and black heels. I rushed putting on mascara and a little makeup. As I was was finishing my makeup, my phone rang.

Maybe Love Is Forever (Austin Carlile)Where stories live. Discover now