Chapter 24 final

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I yelled at the two on the ground " HEY! " 

They ignored me and kept fighting, I made my way closer to them and grabbed Chase by the collar of his shirt. Somehow he grew incredibly light and I threw him back onto the ground, he seemed quite surprised with my sudden strength. I stood in front of Sid fuming with anger.

" lets end this. Just you and me. That's what you wanted right! " 

" so you finally come to your senses, are you willing to hand it over. " He grinned as he stood up towering over me. But I didn't back down, my pride stood taller. 

" never! " I spat 

" it doesn't matter......I don't need your permission to take what I already have before. " He pushed me onto the ground and pressed his elbow into my throat, I coughed and reached for his head. I pulled him by his hair hard, he jerked off of me and once I could I kicked him as hard as I could. He went flying into the fountain, bits and pieces broke off and he landed in the water.

I sat up and held my neck, I knew it was going to bruise later. I jumped to my feet and walked over to him, he was groaning in pain. Only his head was out of the water, I reached in, picked him up and held him over my head. 

" I thought you were stronger than that, for someone who is all talk. " I tested 

" oh, I'm just starting " his yellow eyes glowed bright as he threw something into the water. 

It bubbled and steamed, then it rose out of the fountain. Just like the water snakes Chase controlled, Sid did the same except it was boiling water. Chase yelled at me. 

" Celeste don't let the water touch you! " I dropped Sid and jumped back to avoid it. 

The water wrapped around Sid and formed a giant octopus, he was in the middle of it.  A couple to the tentacles reached out at astonishing speeds and slammed down cracking ground a few inches from where ever I would stand. 

I dodged the tentacles as best I could, but something was making me slow down. My heart was beating at and incredible rate. I had to stop moving and when I did, Sid took his chance. Rising and slamming down one of the tentacles above me. Chase ran to try and block it but it was too late, I was consumed by the hot water. 


" Celeste...." I was blinded by the bright sun shinning in through a window. I pushed my body up and opened my eyes, I was in my own room. Surrounded by everyone's worried stares which lighten as I looked around. 

" what happened? " I turned to Chase who was at my side holding my hand.

He was about to speak when my father cut him off.

" passed out right before the Wendigo could smash you, that's when Chase saved you. Then I came, just in time to save the both of you. " I turned to Chase who nodded in agreement. 

" okay " I spoke 

" honey we were so worried, why didn't you tell us this was happening? " my mother whined grabbing my other hand and shaking it in both of hers.

" for the most part, I didn't even know what was going on "  

Everyone there sat quietly, probably thinking to themselves. The silence grew awkward very quickly and once you could feel it in the air my mother had to leave it was just to much for her. Then my father left and I sat there with Chase. 

" what really happened Chase? " 

He leaned back in his chair, looking past me.

" something.....something that I can't explain. I just don't know " 

I squeezed his hand and spoke quietly " while I was dead, my life flashed before my eyes. But it wasn't really my life that I was looking at, somehow I was sub-consciously imagining talking to our younger selves- " I glanced at Chase, his green eyes were focused on me. I smiled and muttered. 

" you were so shy back then, you hid behind my back. You were such a scaredy cat, I couldn't believe how you changed since then. But just as I was about to leave, you told me to say ' hi ' when I saw you again.  " 

Chase pulled me into his tight embrace, my body still hurt but I bared with it. He whispered in my ear " do you remember what you said in the meadow, all those years ago? "

I pulled away from him and held his hand tightly, speaking slowly. Remembering the exact words I said back then. 

 ".....from this day, lets be best friends forever. Where one goes....the other follows. " 

He nodded his head in agreement, just like he did before. Except maybe this time we were a little more than just friends.


Final A/N!!!!!

I can't believe after all these years, Hidden in the Shadows in finished. I remember back to when I was still trying to come up with the plot of the story and who Chase was going to be. If it was going to end with someone dying or a true loves kiss, well this is how it ends. This was the first book I ever shared with anyone and I quite surprised with all the reads it got, so thank you everyone. I couldn't do it without you! I am not sure if there will be a sequel anytime soon, but if there is I'll alert you guys. UGGHHHH THE FEELS!!!! 

The final peace out from LostVixen3 ✌ ✌ ✌

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