Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The alarm clock rang, I quickly sat up and walked into the bathroom to take an hour long bath. Dried off then changed into a clean uniform, it was about 5:55 after I finished getting ready. 

I walked down stairs and Simon was waiting at the door for me, I didn't say anything nether did he. I opened the door and walked out, I walked down the stairs and sat down. 

It was cold the fog had started to roll in, I shivered a bit but didn't want to go back inside. Someone threw a jacket on my head, I turned around and looked at Simon who threw his jacket. 

I said " thanks " 

He didn't say anything back, I pulled the jacket off my head and down to my shoulders, It was warm and cozy but I could keep it for long or Simon might have gotten cold. 

The bus drove onto the dirt road and honked at us, I stood up and gave Simon the jacket. He took it back and followed me to the bus's doors, I stepped on board and walked to the back. 

I stopped for a second at the row where the Kelpie was sitting, I kept my hair in my face so he couldn't see it, sorrowful. He looked at me as soon as boarded the bus, I walked on as soon as Simon noticed I was just standing there. 

I walked to the back and sat down, Simon and the Kelpie had another stare off before Simon walked over to me and sat down. While I was in the back there I didn't see the possessed girl where did she go? 


The bus stopped in front of the school, the doors opened and everybody walked out, the Kelpie waited for Simon to leave before getting out. I rushed into the school and put my stuff away, so I could get to class. 

I grabbed my binders while Simon watched me, the Kelpie also watched me waiting for his chance to speak to me. I closed my locker and walked down the hall and into class, Simon stood outside the door watching me sit down. 

Then he watched the Kelpie walk in and sit down in his chair next to me, Simon didn't like that the Kelpie stat next to me but he had to go to class him self. He would probably solve this problem later. 

Once Simon walked away the Kelpie tried to talk to me, 

" hey " 

I ignored him, he got confused but still tried to talk 

" are you angry at me for breaking your wrist " 

I tried so hard not to speak to him 

" or did something happen after I broke it " 

How was he guessing all right, could he also read my mind or was he just a really good guesser. Somehow he predicted everything I might have said 

" your not allowed to talk to me, are you? and the incubus has to watch you " 

How? how did he guess all of this within a matter of seconds? I couldn't hide any secrets from this guy at all. 

I turned my head so I wasn't facing him, I kind of sniffled tears were starting to burn my eyes. He said 

" I guessed right, didn't I? " 

I didn't say anything but wiped away the tears in my eyes, he said 

" hey, at least look at me. You wont get in trouble for that right or is that part of the punishment " 

I turned and looked at him and he said " its so nice to see your face " 

I smiled and was about to say something but nothing came out, literally nothing came out. I was to scared to speak to him, I closed my mouth and turned away. 

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