Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My eye patch was fully covered how could she see it, even he couldn't see it. Other kids circled around us blocking my escape to the next class. Even though I didn't even know which one it was.

I gave a second to think " I was born with a rare condition "

She laughed and said

" was it called stupid? "

" no "

She had the upper hand now since we were outside of a classroom and everybody was watching, if I took the wrong step on this minefield we would all explode.

She said " aw did you run out of things to say "

" look, I don't like fighting can't you just back off " I repeated myself

She laughed and said " I might back off if you show us what's under that eye patch "

" no "

Just as I said ' no ' my eye started throbbing a stinging pain such as an angry hornet stinging over and over again. I covered my left eye even though it was already covered by the eye patch.

She stepped closer and pushed me down to the ground, everyone was silent not making sounds or movements with bored blank faces. I was wondering why none of them were helping me, the boyfriend was just leaning against the lockers waiting for this to be over.

The whole school was quiet, no, more like silent. The blonde sat on my waist and grabbed for the eye patch while laughing dementedly. Then she got a steady grip on it and pulled.

I pulled back but that didn't work, pulling and pulling only lead to breaking. I felt a pop and heard a snap, the eye patch broke.

She said " look how easy that was "

She got off of me and threw my eye patch into the dirty trash, my bangs covered my eye. They still couldn't see it, the stinging pain came back again but I knew what it was this time. Invisible strings tightened to the point were they might break.

There were strings leading from everyone's heads like puppets, someone or something was controlling them. But there was one other person who was not being controlled, her boyfriend.

He was watching me with interest, like a snake waiting for its prey to get closer to those poisonous fangs.

There was a string daring to cut I eye out in my blind spot, that's what that pain was. I backed up and pushed back my bangs to uncover my unnatural eye.

She said " what a pretty eye who would you want to keep it a secret "

I looked at her she was the one controlling all of them, she had all the strings literally in her hand and kept by her side. That wasn't the only thing she had, she had horns and a tail.

Her tail was swing back and forth quickly, she was stimulated and excited to see what might happen. This blonde girl; Stacy was being possessed by a demon, and she took control of everyone around her except her boyfriend.

I wonder why, maybe he was like Chase who could see demons only in materialized form. She spoke carefully and didn't say anything about being a demon or controlling the others, why.

Her boyfriend stared at me confused and surprised but I didn't say anything, he smiled but I had no idea why.

I stood back up and said " why? are you pretending to be something your not "

Her smile dimmed and she narrowed her eyes, her eyes were burning with anger. She said in a playful tone

" shut up, what are you talking about "

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