Chapter 18

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By the time I had gotten out of the bath and into some proper p.j's the Kelpie had come back and was watching TV in the living room on the couch. Elaine was fixing the other frozen chicken in the sink, I walked down the stairs with long pj bottoms and a tank top, there was a towel around my shoulders since my hair was still wet.

I thought I heard a faint knocking from the front door so I headed straight there, Elaine didn't pay any mind but the Kelpie turn a glance. The knocking repeated again, I yelled

" hold on, I'm coming "

I unlocked the door, turned the cold bronze knob and swung it open. On the hard porch floor laying there like a dead body was none other than Cali. Sick yellow skin, blood shot eyes that rolled back in her head. Messy hair just like that guy with the piercing. I screamed loud and hard dropped to my knees. She had the smell of dead rising from her body, but she wasn't dead. At least not yet she was close. She might have been having a series of seizures by the way her eyes were rolling around.

She started shaking and trembling, throwing her arms and legs out wildly, she cried out and convulsed. Saliva frothing out of her mouth, covering her teeth with the slime.

Elaine stopped beating the chicken with her fist and skipped over to the scene, the Kelpie jogged over, by the way he leaned on me it seemed like he was concerned. I didn't even have time to care about him, even though he knew something about her condition.

I started rethinking everything Papa told me, Hope, Honesty, Sincerity, Sickness. Then my mind rolled like her eyes to the two finger touch. Papa told me ' always be careful with this one, if you mess this up you could mess up your life '.

Did that really matter to me right now, there was a dying girl human girl on the porch, I couldn't just sit here and watch her die. I took her left wrist in my left hand, everyone seemed to concentrate on what i was doing.

Suddenly I rapidly jabbed her pulse five times with my index and middle fingers, I let go of her hand as her body slowed. Her fingers twitched to her eyes rolling, she finally took one last jolt before it all came to a halt.

The feeling of relief washed over me as I sighed and sat back on the doorstep, Elaine cried as she got up and headed back over to tenderize her thawing chicken " what a bummer, I wish she died "

The kelpie also got up muttering ' it would have been better for all of us if you didn't save her "

He resumed watching TV on the couch, i was left alone to care for Cali. Why did everyone hate her so much? She didn't do anything, she's just a poor human that got sucked into the mess and can't get out like a frail butterfly.


A few hours passed since I carted Cali off to a guest room on my parents level. What else could I do, she was probably going to disappear again. Like last time, it was best just to let her do as pleased. It was about 1 am, the TV was off, Elaine was downstairs sleeping like last time on the couch.

I think the Kelpie stayed downstairs as well. He didn't want to sleep in my bed , thank god! Now I have my whole bed to myself. Now I could spread out, but it kind of felt lonely.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes, but opened them. The loneliness was getting to me, that quickly. Didn't want to wake everyone up, so I stayed put.

I started to think of everything that happened today.

- In the morning the Kelpie was sleeping in my bed naked.  

-Elaine and I went to the library 

- Voices in my head again louder than last time 

-The Kelpie got slapped by the guy with the piercing 

-Tried to catch up with them but they were to fast 

-Elaine didn't even see them 

-Elaine and I went shopping bought two chickens  

- I took a bath with the Kelpie 

- Almost kissed him  

- found out he ate a raw chicken  

- Cali showed up at in my porch having seizures  

- Went to bed, without food

What an interesting day this has been, now that I think about it the Kelpie has been with me all day. He told me not to make any contact with him at all, but that's all we've been doing all day. Just thinking about him sets my mind ablaze, feeling his touch makes my skin tingle and burn. We only kissed once but it will be treasured in my mind forever.

I rolled over on my side cupping my blush cheeks in my cold hands. I closed my eyes, disconnecting from my thoughts. For a few second I felt the feeling of being lifted into the air. The feeling of flight, I didn't mind it too much but I did feel more comfortable.


I remember in the morning lifting my head and looking at the soft face of a sleeping Kelpie, apparently I was on top of him. Did he bring me here, I laid my head back down on his chest. I was much to tired to do anything about it.

Seconds later I started screaming, he sat up quickly. I rolled off of him onto the ground, WHY THE HELL DID HE BRING ME DOWN HERE! 



I didn't make this chapter too long cause I wasn't really feeling up to it and I was working on my new book. But the next chapter will be so much better than this one! Sorry everyone. 

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