Chapter 14 part II

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The did mama get his phone number and his agreement....papa.

Of course. Mama could make papa do anything, after all she is the one who is married to him.

The Kelpie judged me " are you going to let me in...or should I stay outside with her? "

Her...who was her? Why wasn't anybody using names around this place.

I asked " who's her? "

He stepped to his left and I got peek at an extremely tired face. A face that looked like, it hasn't slept for days on end.

Blood shot eyes, messy hair, dirty clothes, a weak voice and to top it all off a wobbling stance.

Cali looked terrible, I swung the door open and let the Kelpie in. Then I took Cali by the hand, dragged her up the stairs to my room.

What happened to her, she looked so drained. I couldn't stand it any longer. I let her sit on my bed and gave her my pajamas.

Then I rushed into my fathers work room, where he kept all the magic and shit he told me to stay out of. Seconds later I came back with a small vile.

Blue liquid with a purple tint sloshed around inside. I sealed the door shut and hurried into my room.

I made Cali drink it and lay down. Once she was comfortable in my bed I asked her questions.

" what happened? Where were you today? What did he do to you? "

She calmly replied " it's okay, you don't have to worry about me. I was in the nurses office with....I can't remember his name. He was being so nice and making me sleep and telling the nurse everything...."

I didn't say anything, I really didn't know if I should be worried or not. I mean, she said she was in the nurses office with the Kelpie. Or at least I think she meant the Kelpie.

She looked at me and smiled " do you know why my name it Cali ? "

I shook my head, she kept talking quietly

" it's short for California, my parents love this state because it strong. Not physically but mentally. It doesn't give up, it pushes and pushes until it can't push anymore. Even if the state changes, it's people will not. "

' Even if the state changes, the people will not. ' that echoed in my head

It stayed there too, it never once left my thoughts. Even when she fell asleep after saying that. I stood up and turned my back to Cali but not before thinking.

' the nurse doesn't work on Fridays "

I turned back around for a split second, she was gone. She disappeared from my bed, I quickly checked around under the sheets and blankets.

She wasn't there, then I ran down the stairs to Elaine and the Kelpie who looked at me.

I stuttered " Cali disappeared "

The house went quiet, but the first reaction I saw was the Kelpies eye twitch and jerk into a half smile.

He stood up from the couch and walked over to the front door, silence filled the room as Elaine and I watched him.

" I have to go, I'll be right back "

As he was a few steps away from the door I yelled

" wait "

He stopped mid-stride, I wanted answers now. Elaine wasn't giving me any, even though its only been a few hours since she offered. I gave it a thought before responding

" you seem to know what's wrong with Cali, also where are you going? "

My body shivered and chilled while asking him these questions, I didn't really want to question anybody anymore. I just wanted answers, that's really all I wanted and for Cali to be safe.

That's all I want.

He turned around and quickly walked in my direction, one direction...mine. I stood up taller facing him, standing in front of me. He gently lured my chin with his forefinger and thumb up to his face.

Then the expected happened, warmth rushed from head to my toes caressing my body in tingles until I almost fell over. But he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist to catch me, our lips still locked together.

Elaine didn't stop us this time, instead she was sitting on the couch watching TV, eating her bisque. She knew if she said anything, he would probably hurt her. I didn't exactly care though, my mind went blank.

It was like he erased my thoughts and my memories. I felt paralyzed until he pulled away. I still forgot what I was asking him, I forgot everything except for how to stare at him like an idiot.

He gazed at me with a smile and spoke in a French accent " J'ai attendu toute la journée pour le faire. Ne vous inquiétez pas, je reviens tout de suite mon amour "

He unwrapped me and walked over to the front door, I just stood there not saying a word. Not a peep came out my mouth. I waited for him to walk out outside and close the door behind him before falling onto the bottom steps of the stairs.

Elaine raised and eyebrow at me with her soup still in her hands and gave me a ' I didn't butt in this time ' look, I sputtered

" he can speak a different language? "

She said " yes, that was French. According to his genes and his past, he is French and can speak it fluently "

I asked " do you know what he said? "

She put down her soup on the coffee table, cupped her hands and raised them to her chest then in a totally flirtatious voice she moaned

" he said something along the lines of ' I've waited all day to do that. Don't worry I will be right back my love ' "

Once she finished mocking me she picked up her bisque and started eating once more.

I gave her a sarcastic glare and laughed " okay, okay now what did he really say "

She raised her other eyebrow and uttered " that was word for word translation "

I immediately stopped with the sarcasm, she wasn't lying. She can't lie, it's not possible for her to lie. So she really translated every word, he must have said.

Embarrassed I fumbled around before getting up and walking over to the counter. I picked up a bowl then took shaky steps to the couch and sat down. Raised the quivering spoon to my lips and took a sip. It was warm and salty, but sweet and light. Sort of like the feeling the butterflies in my belly.

Keeping me from eating anything that wasn't the Kelpies lips, they tasted like the soup but much sweeter and softer. Not as salty but light. I couldn't get over this feeling but I was forgetting something, what was it. Wait did the Klelpie come to my house alone, I could have sworn someone was with him. But who was it?

Elaine put her empty bowl down and glared at me with an angry face, I asked her

" did someone arrive here with the Kelpie? "

Elaine glanced at me with a smirk " he erased your memory too "

That's when I knew there was something wrong, he was being a bit too suspicious. Wait, ugh I'm so confused. The only thing I wanted to know now is how long he will be staying with us.

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