Chapter 23

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How did it all come down it this? I laying on the ground weak and defenseless, gouged out of my body; the only thing that made me powerful, the only thing that kept me from falling down the ladder into the world of humans. My childhood friend betrayed me, I hadn't seen him in years waiting for the day to just met him at least once.

" how do you know my name? " he stepped closer to me away from Sid, who became frustrated.

" d-don't you...." My voice was becoming weak. He walked over to me and bent down, confused slightly angered and tired he spoke softly.

" what? "

" you've grown so much, I almost forgot who you were? " I whispered, slightly closing my eyes.

" you know who I am! PLEASE TELL ME! " he picked me up and rose his voice, still with the star in his hand.

" My Celeste, I used to live in Tennessee. On a farm close to a thicket, one rainy night I heard a child crying so I went to help. He was deep in the thicket being threatened by demons, I scared them away and comforted him. He introduced himself as Chase, he was from France and came to Tennessee with his parents who wanted a fresh start. " my voice was getting weaker and weaker but I had to tell him the rest " his parents were killed by that demon over there-" I pointed to Sid.

" he had to move to California to live with his aunt. But before he left he gave me a long hug goodbye. Before I left Tennessee I found a ring in my fireplace " I started to close my eyes

" what does that have to do anything with me? " he asked I didn't respond, he shook my cold body.

" Celeste, Celeste wake up! Please...."

I struggled to open my eyes and speak, it felt like there was a heavy weight on my body. It was the cold release that everyone talks about and soon my life would flash before my eyes, even though it was a short one. Close behind Chase was one of my fathers friends, all of my fathers friends have the same occupation as him. I knew he was here to take me, is this what it feels like to die. He waited for me to leave my physical body, I could tell he was one of my fathers good friends if he was actually waiting for me. I bet he wished my father was here, I wished my father was here. To see me pass on....

I pulled the ring off of my finger and handed it to him, then I whispered

" you gave this to me 10 years ago, you are the little boy I met in the thicket 10 years ago. "

" How? I don't understand, that doesn't make any sense.....Celeste! "

I had closed my eyes again and started to drift off into darkness. A few seconds a large white light engulfed my vision and laughter rang in my ears, the scenery changed in an instant. I was on the grassy fields of Tennessee, two children ran past my floating body. A boy and a girl, then I knew what was happening. My life was flashing past me, or at least my happiest memories.

The girl noticed me and trotted over, followed by the boy who was holding onto her hand hiding behind her. Chase was always shy around new people.

" Hi! I've never seen you around? Are you an evil spirit? " she happily spoke

I looked around, was it okay for me to talk to her. She was me, but I don't remember this memory. It couldn't hurt a say a few words.

", I'm just passing on "

" I can get my dad to pass you through faster. Oh, by the way I'm Celeste and this is Chase, what is your name. " my god, I was a helpful child, no wonder I ended up how I did today.

" My name is Celeste too. Well actually I am you, I just died. " I didn't want to make make my younger self sad, but it was going to happen.

" YOU'RE ME! I KNEW IT! " Little Celeste screamed

Little Chase chimed in " where am I? "

" your still alive, I think your holding my body as we speak. " He went quiet again but this time smiling, I didn't want Little Chase to know that he was the one who actually killed me.

" I think it's time for you to go " Little me said

A bright light flashed out of the corner of my eye and when I turned my head a door appeared. Little Celeste took my hand and lead me to the door.

" tell big Chase I said hi. "

I opened the door and right before I walked through I bent down to them and whispered " I will never forget you two "

They both smiled as I stood up and walked into the light. It was time for me to move on, I guess I was ready.


" Celeste.....Celeste...... Celeste! "

I took a hard deep breath as I sprung to life, the weight that was on my chest had been lifted and I needed air. I coughed a couple times choking on some of the gasps, but I was alive. I beamed down at my side, which had been magically restored. Did Chase put my star back in, was he my savior.

Sid yelled at Chase, for what he had done ruining his plan. On the other hand I could feel color start to run back into my face, as I gazed up at him.

" Chase, why? " I asked between breaths

" Because you couldn't lie to save your life. "

In a swish he pushed me to my feet and said.

" Now go, run as far away from here as possible. I'll be fine, it's you he wants. "

" you ignorant bastard, look what you have done. " Sid yelled, taking his head in his yellowish hands. He yelled over and over again, something that I could not understand. Then out of nowhere, he charged me. I had no choice but to run, though I was still woozy from my brush with death I did the best I could to stay away.

Chase did what his name depicted and chased after Sid, soon tackling him to the ground, then pinning him down giving me enough time to run.

Where was I suppose to go, my house was an option. Or I could just stay here and fight what he had begun. It wasn't wasn't going to be over, unless someone died. I really didn't want it to be Chase, just because of me. This was all because of me. 

I turned around and walked back to them, sealing everyone's fate for the last time. I was going to end this. 



If yo thought this was going to be the last chapter, you were wrong and so was I. But I pretty sure that the next chapter wil be the last. Also about the long wait, I never planned on putting the book on hold for a year, but I was also transitioning into high school. The homework is a bitch, the guys are assholes, and the teachers are really mean. Also I found out I love to procrastinate....a lot. But all that aside, I will try to update as fast I can. 

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