Chapter 13

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After that first class all my other classes seemed like they would last forever, I wanted to know about Cali. She didn't look right, at least not for a heathy human. Even though I only knew her for about a day, I feel like I've know her forever. Isn't that the feeling you get when you, meet someone and just know they were meant to be a friend of yours. 

That's how I feel about Cali and something bad is going to happen to her, I can already smell the Vanilla  fumigating in the air. Like a skunks spray it was strong and musky. 

I was still in Chemistry so I couldn't do anything about the smell, it was the last class of the day. But it stunk more than the gas we were working with. It was the only thing I could smell, I thought about lying to to teacher to go outside but the Kelpie said not to find him. I am also guessing that he is with Cali, so I'm pretty sure that something bad would happen to me if I tried to look.

Instead I just sat back in my chair, watching my lab partners fiddle with our work. I just took in the smell of death, it was more important anyway. Someone was going to die soon, I wanted to find out as soon as possible. 


30 minutes later, my waiting was over. Now I just had to face the last part of my day, whatever the Kelpie told me would affect the rest of my night and the morning of my tomorrow. I picked up my binders and walked out of class. It was the end of the day, he was suppose to find me by now. 

As I stepped out of class a large, strong hand gripped my arm and pulled me in the opposite direction.  Of curse when I looked at the person I could tell it  was the Kelpie, so he did come find me and he was dragging me out of the school. Where exactly were we going? I felt a bit terrified but excited at the same time. 

His touch made my skin made my prickle, tingle and pop. It wasn't painful but a more sensual feeling like when he sucked my blood. He walked faster than I expected him to walk, making me increase my speed. 

He must of really wanted to tell me something, was it must have been really important. I though about it a bit more before we walked through the double doors and outside of the school. Then he lead me behind the school. 

He really was going to do something to me, but I never did anything to him. At least not yet. He let go of my arm once we were far away enough. I leaned against the wall of the school and asked him.

" why did you take me here what was wrong with the hallway? "

He didn't say anything I was starting to get scared, he also had his back to me. He was definitely   going to do something to me. I warned him 

" whatever your about to do, don't do it-"

He turned around and pushed me against the wall, his broad hands were on my shoulders and his face was an inch away. His breath smelled like Vanilla, my worst enemy. Wait! Why did his breath smell like that? Was the smell of death coming from him? Or was just my imagination.

He still hadn't told me anything about Cali. Never mind that, he was getting closer to my face. Agh, I didn't want to kiss anybody with Vanilla breath. Even though my body was calling out for him, my skin was screaming as he leaned against me.

My breathing became incredibly hard and my cheeks become blush. He started breathing harder, even though he was a few  inches taller than me. I could still hear him, but he bent down so we were face to face. I closed my eyes to savor, the horrible taste I was about to embrace.

" hey I remembered what I was going to tell you on the bus " yelled Elaine who was a few yards away

The kelpie stopped just before he was about to kiss me, I opened my eyes as he quietly said a swear under his breath. He backed away far enough so I could look him in the eyes, which he did the same. We both had the same expression, flustered.

I'm pretty sure that we were also thinking the same thing ' why the hell did you have to come and find us '

She looked at both of us angrily and said " okay! you both don't have to be so mean. I get it you wanted to be alone. Geez "

I snapped out of it a pushed him, just a little so he would get off of me. I scratched the back of my head

" nah, its okay I'm ready to go anyway " as I turned to her

I didn't dare turn back around to look at his face, she narrowed her eyes in suspicion but quickly brightened up 

" Okay then! I have your backpack waiting. We missed the school bus, but the other one comes in three minutes "

I was spacing out but nodded my head to agree anyway, I felt like sitting alone for a while and recalling everything that just happened. But my heart was beating to fast, banging around in my chest, trying to be freed like a bird. 

It wanted him, I wanted him. I wanted the Kelpie, even though I told myself a thousand times to stay away. My heart wants him, even if he wasn't telling me everything. I knew he wanted me back, even though he said he would never talk to me again, he did. 

I followed Elaine to the school bus stop, she handed me my backpack which was hanging on a tree close to hers. Okay! Not different at all. I still wanted to know why the Kelpie wanted Elaine's apple so bad. He could have just asked me for one, but funny enough when I opened my lunch today that mama packed I had two apples.

I only found one. One apple, I know Elaine didn't go in my lunch so who did?

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