Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

At least I didn't have to worry about them fighting in class, because Simon was in a totally different grade. It was break and I had to put away my stuff away in my locker, I walked down the hall the taps of my feet echoed, everybody was already outside in the courtyard. 

Simon was nowhere to be found, I think he got lost somewhere and was probably looking for me. I strolled to the rack of lockers and punched in the code for mine, the lock clicked and let me in. 

I removed the lock and opened my locker, I pushed my binders in their slots and closed it. 

" hey " 

The Kelpie was standing right there, right behind my locker door. My heart jumped out of my chest because of fear and embarrassment, I wasn't supposed to be around him, I promised Simon. 

The Kelpie said " did I scare you " 

I tried hard to not laugh or anything, but keep a straight face 

" yeah, you really scared me " 

He had his hands in his pockets and looked at me sort of blushing, I said 

" did you want to talk to me or something? " 

He walked over to me and said " what's your name? " 

I said " I really don't want to tell anybody that yet " 

He bent down with his hands still in his pockets making circles around me, then stopped at my face. 

" do you hate me...or is something I did? " 

I reassuring " no, I don't hate you. I just made a promise to someone " 

" to that incubus " he narrowed his eyes and waited for my reaction, he was trying to test me. Like Simon said ' he can't be trusted, they will turn on you ' 

In the back of my mind I was wondering how he could guess that Simon was an incubus, this was starting to get harder than I thought somehow I had to find a way to keep all my secrets from the Kelpie. 

I responded " well...yes " 

I pushed my hair behind my ear and said " if that's all, I have to go " 

He grinned, the Kelpie grinned at me it was kind of like papa's but more evil and cute. I felt a stabbing pain in my hand, a burning sensation like I stuck my hand in a toaster then dipped it in cold water and threw it under a hot iron. 

I gritted my teeth and held the feeling in until it passed, the Kelpie's bite was taking its effect on my hand. A Kelpie's bite has twelve different leagues of pain each one worst than the other, once they are over the Kelpie bite doesn't hurt anymore, So I just had to bear the pain. 

The Kelpie looked at me and said " you okay? " 

I was tearing a little but I said " I'm fine " 

" but you just made a face like you were in pain " he said 

The second league hit the pain intensified for a few seconds I was left speechless the words shoved into the back of my throat by a knot. The pain only lasts for five seconds but it was like being in Hell. 

He looked at me and said " you are in pain " 

I shook my head and said under my breath " I'm not in pain " 

The Kelpie said " you are I can clearly s..." he stopped talking and listened to the silence. 

The pain lifted that was about the third or fourth one, he suddenly grabbed my arm and started pulling me in to a hallway and down to a door that said ' stairs '. 

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