Chapter 20 part 2

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It was probably just a power-outage, at the most coincidental time. Yup it had to be, just had to be.

Why was I so scared anyway, it was just the lights I just needed to find a flashlight. Where were the flash lights, a candle would do as well.

I stuck my hands out in front of me, sliding my feet on the ground in small careful steps. The creaks and shakes that jumped from the floor boards alarmed me with every pace. I sexually slid my hand up the wall, feeling for the light-switch. Chilly air drifed into the living room from the hallway tickling my skin, making shivers run up and down the length of my body.

I searched more desperately for the light-switch, I didn't really know if it was going to work or not. I should at least give it a try, hopefully luck would be on my side for once.

My finger rammed into the side of the switch, warmth rushed down my shoulder into the throbbing area. I spit out a curse switching the light off then on again, to my suprise it worked.....for about 30 seconds which gave me enough time to look around the house for a candle or something.

Luckily the light switch was right next to the fireplace, my mother was really into scented candles. I palmed at the frame shuffling my feet across the floor, searching for the matches. Conveniently placed by the side of a coconut scented candle stick.

The seering stench of sulfer wavered around my nose as I struck the match; that limited the darkness of the room. I hovered the tip of the match to the wick of the candle, scooting my fingers down the match's stick away from the creeping flames.

The wick ignited burning the darkness around me, I blew out the match and lit the others with the candle I was holding. The room tinted orange and yellow.

I really didn't need to do all of that since I could see in the dark, but I wanted to go through the trouble of finding a candle and the match.

I turned to go upstairs, but forgot the Kelpie was still laying on the floor, bleeding to death. I paced back to the door and picked up his arm dragging him to the kitchen, that's when I gave up and decided to get the first add to treat him there.

We always had a first aid somewhere in the kitchen, I don't know why in the kitchen but I was always there. A red box with a white cross sat right next to the sink, full of dishes that I didn't wash. What a pain in the ass, but it was no longer time to think about that.

I grabbed the box and ran back over to the Kelpie, his face was pale and dark circles formed around his eyes. His skin was like a block of ice, could he already be dead. I checked his pulse under his neck, sure enough there was none.

I sat on my knees looking at him, he couldn't be dead it couldn't be possible. A few hours ago he kissed me and told me he was coming back. Well he's back now.....

I bent down over him, I was about to do what I wanted to do this entire time. I placed my lips on his freezing ones, I kissed him for a good 10 seconds with all the passion, hatred and yerning I had stored up.

Once the 10 seconds were up I released him whispering " please come back "

Color filled his face as he tried to sit up taking a huge breath, gritting his teeth and grabbing his bleeding side. His green eyes wide with pain and fear, I cupped his cheek and reapeated over and over again

" it's okay, it's okay, it's okay " which seemed to calm him down significantly

He laid back down on the floor, still grasping his bloody side. I ripped what was left of his shirt off to treat his wound, then opening the red box to reaveal we only had a little bandage left just enough to stop the bleeding.

I took out the alcohol and a gauze, soaking the gauze and applying it to the area. He yelled and cursed at me, but I know he didn't really mean it. I wrapped the area in bandge and sealed it with medical tape.

He took one long sigh and asked " what the hell just happened? "

" it's a long story..." I relpied


After a long and hard trip up the stairs into my bedroom, we both collapsed on my bed. I had to help him in before I did myself, but sort of ended up falling alseep on him. I didn't think he would mind.


I yawned opening my eyes to the view of my room blurred. Blinking a couple times my eyes came to focus. I was laying on my side, facing the Kelpie who was still on his back sleeping calmly.

I nonchalantly rolled out from the warm covers, onto the white carpeted floor then groaned to stand wearily on my two feet.

I shoveled my hair back into place heading for the bathroom to take a warm, soothing shower.

I kicked the door open ( who has time to use their hands ) slamming it closed behind me, running the water and relaxing against the cool tiles.

It took me around a half and hour to get out and dressed into a plain black shirt, grey, baggy, sweat pants and regular tennis shoes.

I strolled over to the nightstand to get my keys, my phone, and lastly my wallet. Which was on the other nightstand on the Kelpies side.

Since he was still asleep I climbed on the bed and reached across him, the tips of my fingers bearly touched the leather. But I pinched it with my index and thumb dragging it over like a crane games.

I was seconds away from obtaining my wallet when the Kelpie grabbed my wrist with a firm grip, opening his eyes wide.

I couldn't help but jump and drop it on him, to which he replied with a growl of pain.

" sorry " I muttered

" where are you going? " he regained his curiosity

I sighed staring into his grassy green eyes " to buy more bandage, I ran out last night using it on you "

My eyes glanced at the once white bandage wrapped tightly around his waist, which was now blood-stained.

My eyes focused back on his face, he seemed tired but that was because of how pale he was.

" don't leave the house " he commanded becoming more eager to keep me inside.

" your still bleeding, I have to go buy more or else.... " pleading to him

" just say a few more hours, it can wait "

" no it can't! " I tried shaking his arm off but it wouldn't budge. But the violent movement did hurt him.

" let go, I'll be right back what are you so afraid of? " I started to raise my voice.

" I can't tell you! It just....I can't, it's to dangerous " he raised his voice back at me.

That was the last straw with that, I can't tell you this, I can't tell you that.

" I don't care anymore, just let me go! I need to help you right now, I don't care what happens to me! "

He stared into my eyes and let go of my hand muttering

" you have no idea what your getting yourself into Celeste...."

I picked up my wallet from his chest and marched down the stairs to the front door.

' maybe I should have listened to him, but then again he needed my help '



Sorry everyone for being such a giant hypocrite, I have been having such a writers block and busy with medical problems. It's been really hard, but I'm not giving up on you guys. Especially my friend Livinginacrazyworld I love you.

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