Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I yelled at him " DON'T PLAY WITH ME, THAT'S NOT FUNNY "

He raised his voice " why would I joke about, your mother's death "

He pulled out the slip of paper and stuck it in my direction, I walked over to him and grabbed it. It only took me one glance to realize it was a death certificate. My mother's full name was at the top, then fathers name and lastly mine. I let the paper fall out of my fingers.

I said " how long? "

" 3 hours "

What would you do if you just found out your mother has been dead for 3 hours without getting a message. I sat on my knees and held her hand, it was cold and limp her finger tip were turning a light purple color.

" did you already take her soul? " I asked

" no I was going to do it later "

" what did she die of? "

" Pneumonia "

Maybe this was my chance to save someone important someone who really mattered to me. I let go of her hand and slowly got up, I walked quickly towards the door and father said

" where are you going? "

I didn't know where I was going but I did know who to go to so I said

" to save mama "

I ran out the door and down the stairs, I grabbed the keys from the table in the kitchen and ran out the door. It was way too dark for any human to se anything, good thing I was a demigod. I could see everything in the dark like an owl with night vision.


I stopped running at the park with the fountain, my lungs were burning and so were my legs. My eyes were already full of tears, I ran over to the fountain which wasn't glowing it was just a regular fountain...for now.

I sat down and leaned over the water close enough to detect the faint smell of magic, I yelled


A few of my tear fell into the water uncontrollably, the fountain started shimmering, light blue and pink lights. Ripples started to surface and I backed away from the water slightly.

I saw wet black hair rise to the top, then to green eyes staring back at me angrily. I couldn't see his mouth, nose or body. He didn't say anything, I kept eye contact with him and I said with a knot in my throat.

" I am SO sorry, I shouldn't have said anything like that to you and I never meant to throw that phone at you "

He just stared back still angry, I was starting to wonder if he was breathing or not, he probably wasn't, he was a Kelpie they do live underwater. I said

" PLEASE, I'm so sorry. I never knew I was going to hurt you like this I broke your trust I'm sorry "

He still didn't say anything and just stared at me quietly the water from his hair dripped in his face. He bobbed up and down the glowing water. This was the first time I saw his hair down, it was short but long enough to cover his eyebrows. I said

" please say something to me "

More ripples circled around his body as he raised his head his full head, he did not look happy but I used kind words.

" what am I suppose to say to some girl I just met a week ago "

I gave him a somewhat cry/laugh, even though it wasn't funny he said

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