Her Silenced Voice *ch. 24*

Start from the beginning

"Evelyn, dear, you should wear earrings with that dress,"

I nodded and looked at her, 'No,' I signed, 'I'm going naturally like this,'

She smiled, "Ah, at least put make-up on. Well, the 'Lucky Charm' one anyhow,"

A small smile made it's way to my lips. She brought over a peachy lipstick, practically gloss. Putting it on me, she smiled.

"Oh, today, we present you," She said proudly, "You'll be wonderful,"

'Will everything be okay?' I signed.

She nodded, "Just go as we rehearsed, then everything will be okay. And, sweetheart, if anything is upsetting you, I'll be right there behind you,"

'Thank you' I signed before looking at myself in the mirror.

At the different person I've become.


I smiled as the cameras took pictures. Random questions were fired at me and both my mother and I answered them and told a story.

She and I were seperated soon after I was born. The father took me away. Yes, I was illegitimate but, I still had Worthy blood in me. The interviews shortened and I was soon left with a less boisterous crowd.

Mother tensed up all of a sudden and said, "I'll be back. Just give me a moment,"

As she left, I folded my hands on the table.

"Mrs. Worthy, what identity did you go by before you became Evelyn Worthy?"

I gave a small smile, the corner of my lips pulled up, 'I went by Evelyn Oshiro. In the time I had it, I was quite fond of it,' My translator translated my signs.

"Mrs. Worthy, which would you prefer to go by?" A reporter asked.

I smiled with a silent laugh, 'Is that suppose to be rhetorical?' I signed

"We understand politically speaking you should go by Worthy but which do you prefer?" another called out.

I paused, my thumbs fiddled, then I started, 'I would prefer Worthy," I would lie for the sake of it. I had to. I forced a smile on my face as I, on the surface, paved a proud name for my family.

But who was my family? Does Ace forgive me?

Then the fire alarm sounded.

Everyone started to get up and run. Some where in chaos, trying to get their supplies in order.

My translator, whom I've become fond of, grabbed my arm. "Hurry," she said pulling me, "We have to get out,"

I calmly got up and followed her. In the crowd, it was hard but she held on tightly. If she lost me, she'd probably lose the job. She was well paid because of me. But then again, I probably wouldn't accept her being gone. She understood how I felt and used correct tone when speaking for me.

Suddenly a jerk of my other arm was what it took for me to lose my translator in the midst of the chaos.

I was suddenly pulled inside a closet. It was dark and cramped. My body was pressed tightly against the others.

If I could speak, I'd probably scream but I had no room to fight this person. All that I could tell from being in such a position, was that my captor was a female.

As soon as everything died down, the closet door opened and I stumbled out quickly. Turning around, I grabbed a vase and lifted it to attack but I saw Haruhi, wide eyed.

I tilted my head in confusion at her wide eyes.

What's Haruhi doing here? It wrecked my entrance into the business world. "Can you put that down? I'd rather not be fined for another broken vase,"

I brought it down slowly. My hands shook.

"Oh, Evelyn, where have you been? The entire host club was in a wreck to find you!"

I bit my my lip and stood back. The gloss had worn off.

"Evelyn?" I heard, I turned around to see Tamaki and the rest of the host club with Jake and Kai.

In confusion, I backed up. I was scared. What if they're angry at me for leaving?

He ran over and hugged me, "Ah! You're so different!"

I shook my head and got out of his embrace, shaking my head.

"While you were gone we searched everywhere for you," He rambled, "Everyone including Haruhi took lessons on sign language and now we're pros at talking to you! Ah! We're so excited to have you back and-"

"What do you mean? She's still not back." I heard Hikaru say. I froze as I looked at where Hikaru was looking and I turned around to see Ace. He was only translating. 

I saw Ace leaning against the doorway. He looked angry......no....he looked sad. Despair seemed to look like an old expression on him now. I felt like crying. This was overwhelming.

There was Ace. There was Haruhi. There was the Host club. There was Jake and Kai. The whole that has been overtaking my life filled instantly at the sight of them.

But Ace's disapproving expression put a downer on me, 'You know you're not coming with us. When you left with the witch, you left with her. Tell the Host club. Finally convince them that I'm right,"

I turned around to the Host club....then back at Ace.

Mother suddenly ran to the doorway and saw me.

"Honey! What's happened?" She asked.

She put me in her embrace and I looked around at the others. Mother looked around the room and spot Tamaki and Haruhi. "Being students, I won't press charges but if you ever pull anything like that again, I will press charges."

l closed my eyes and let Mother pull me away in the silence. As I stumbled, a new hole burned my heart and I bit my lips holding back the tears.


A.N. Sorry for the late update. And I aplogize for the awkward authors note from before. I was having a moment of unsocial ness.

Actually, I feel like an awkward author sometimes. *sigh*

Anyways, hugs and kisses. Thanks for reading my work! ^___^

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