Chapter 2 - EDITED

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Chapter 2

That nerve wrecking feeling never left. Every time I would stand, it would get stronger. It was now lunch, and decided I would eat lunch outside by my tree. I picked out a sandwich and a granny smith apple, making my way outside. When I was sure I was alone, I pulled of my suffocating beanie airing out my ears. I purred out in satisfaction, stuffing my beanie into my back pocket.

When I finally reached my tree, I pulled my tail out and waved it around. Oh that was just golden. Curling my tail around my apple and placing my sandwich in my mouth I began climbing up my tree. Once i found the perfect spot, i sat and relaxed on a branch and began eating happily. Rare occasions. That's what i called this.

I finished my food pretty quickly. i sighed and leaned against my tree, letting my mind drift. That feeling slowly crept into my mind, making me tense up. I sat forward, looking around intently. Okay, this was annoying.

"Who's there?" I called out " don't be a coward."

Great, Now I'm losing my mind.

The bell went off in the distance, signaling that lunch was over. I groaned and jumped from the tree landing on my feet jarring all of my wounds. i winced instantly regretting it. I pulled my beanie out of my back pocket and regrettably putting it back over my ears, and stuffed my tail back under my shirt. Time to go back to reality.

*skip til the end of the day cause I'm a lazy son of a mother*

"see you tomorrow class" the teacher called over the talking teens. I waited patiently for everyone to clear the room. "Oh Si-" he cleared his throat, not meeting my gaze "Nikolajis. What are you still doing here?" Mr.Mills asked, looking up at me curiously. I noticed a very thick accent layering his voice. i know that accent.....

" I was just waiting for everyone to leave" I said, standing from my desk, slinging my backpack over my bruised shoulders. I winced a bit, shaking my head. Mr.Mills looked at me in a funny way as he watched me shift my backpack around before nodding in understanding.

" I see. They are very...." "Barbaric, Savage. I'll never understand human ways fully." I said rolling my eyes. "Human ways? You say that as if you are not human." he said with a smirk. I stared at him, trying to come up with a reasonable response."U-u Uh...I mean.....You know...." I frowned and bowed my head. I'm so useless. " I'm sure I do. Now, please kindly escort yourself out of my room. Go home Nikolajis. Straight home. Do not go anywhere else." He said with a smile, but making sure to emphasize STRAIGHT. I nodded awkwardly and shuffled my way towards the door to leave.

"And Nikolajis?" i turned and looked at him. "Acceptation is key" He said with a serious expression. He gave a small smile before saying-" Now you may leave." I nodded slowly in confusion and left his class.I looked up and down the halls, making sure I was alone. I walked down the halls quickly. That was beyond weird. What was his problem?There it is again, now it was just pissing me off. I huffed in agitation and left the school going to my home. I sighed once I've reached my "beloved" home. Slowly walking up the steps, I soon realized she locked the door, and I had no copy of the key. I groaned and let my head fall against the door. how to get in? i pushed away from the door and made my way around the house to my window. I guess never closing it worked out for me eh?

I took a deep breath before leaping onto the side of my house, climbing up to my window. I heaved myself over the edge, falling in on my back. Huh, I guess not all cats land on their feet. I paused and listened to see if I had woken her up, I sighed in relief when I heard her loud snoring. I stood up, brushing the non-existent dust off me. I took my book bag off, letting it fall softly to the floor.'I guess it wouldn't matter if I went to the park' I thought to myself. I grabbed my hoodie, pulling it over my head. Slowly climbing out my window, I jumped down and started my walk to the park. When I reached it, I sat under a shady tree and watched all the kids play.Not to be a creeper of pervert! But to watch them have a happy childhood that I've always wanted.

I layed down on my side, curling into a ball where the sun beamed down on me through the leaves. I purred quietly, not realizing how dark it was getting. I yawned and fell asleep, with Mr.Mills warning echoing in my head.

*two hours later*


I jerked up and looked around. It was dark, really dark. Thank God I have night vision. I slowly stood up, listening intently.


My head jerked towards the sound. What i saw made my tail stand straight up and my skin crawl. It was a short, gremlin type creature with puss and slime dripping down its body. It reeked of death. I hissed and crouched down. It growled in return, lunging at me, I dodged its attacking and flipped backwards. It charged at me again, jumping into the air. As I jumped to the side, it lashed out in the air and sliced my side with its sharp claws.

I yelled out in pain, falling down to the ground clutching my side. Blood started pouring through the gashes at a steady pace. I hissed and bared my fangs, it laughed/growled and lunged at me again. I rolled to the left and jumped into the air, twisting to side kick it, sending it flying into a tree. I know I've ripped the gashes even more because more blood started pouring out, Soaking my whole left side with blood.

I lunged at it, smashing my hand under its neck, slamming it against the tree. i cut of its oxygen, pressing harder against its windpipe, watching it struggle. I knew eventually I wouldn't be able to hold any longer. I shoved harshly and dropped the creature, running out of the park into the woods next to it. I pushed myself to run faster, panting heavily. My legs started to burn as they turned into jelly. but I pushed myself faster, the more I ran the more my cuts opened.

I tried to hear if I was being followed, but my damned beanie muffled the sound. I yanked it off and threw is somewhere and listened intently. the sound of small quick patter feet was heard. My stomach dropped as I tried to run faster. little black dots started popping in front of my eyes. I ran into a clearing and searched for a weapon frantically.

The sound of those feet grew closer and closer. I spotted a long,sharp rock halfway across the clearing. I dashed forward as the foot steps got extremely closer, I jumped for the rock as the feet behind me took flight as well. My hand grasped the rock and I twisted sending searing pain down my side. I flipped and rolled , crouching on my feet. The creature smiled evilly at me, showing it beyond rotted teeth. I hissed in return. It leaped at me and I waited til the last second to step to the side and plunged the rock into its neck. It managed to turn and clamp down its teeth on my arm, biting harshly.

I screamed in agony and tried to shake it off. It gnawed on my arm until the blood from its neck flooded its lungs. I struggled to get it off my arm. I was losing so much blood, I pried it off my arm and crawled away from it. I fell to the ground and cried in pain.

I was going to die. I knew it, it was going to happen.

'I guess cats DONT nine lives after all.....'

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