"Whatever you're feeling for him, Jade, its wrong. Ignore those feelings. Everyone that Nik had ever gotten close to got murdered at his own hands." She warned me once again.

"I don't feel anything for him."

"You're lying."

"Why do you even care what happens to me?" Rebekah's caring sensitivity surprised me, but it was all probably just an act to get the what she really wanted.

"Because, you're actually one of those decent humans that I can stand to be around. You're not one of those helpless girls who scream their heads off and always want and need protection everytime you need it. And my brothers both fancy you." Rebekah explained.

"They only fancy me because of my blood. I know." I said.

"That may be true, but they really have taken an interest in you." She said.

I didn't say anything in response as I looked away, my eyes scanning all the boxes of items that were brought over from my house. I instantly dreaded having to put all this stuff away.

"Can I tell you something else?" She spoke when I didn't bother to comment back. I simply nodded.

"Whatever you're trying to hide in that apartment, Elijah will find it."

I turned to meet her intense eyes, my heart sinking.

"No." I shook my head. "You can't. He can't."

"What are you hiding?" She pried.

"You have to call him. Please. If he can't hurt Elijah he'll hurt me." I was begging at this point.

A deep frown crossed her expression. "He? Who is he?"

"You have to listen to me, please. Elijah can't-

Rebekah's frantic yelling filled my ears as darkness clouded my vision, my head furiously pounding. I felt her hands on me, forcing her wrist into my mouth. My heart twisted in discomfort, as I choked for air. I felt her blood flood into my system when I instantly bit down, dimming the excruciating pain only slightly. But it had no effect on my heart, that felt like it was being squashed.

I screamed when I felt a rip inside me.

I couldn't feel anything. Anything I could hear was muffled, and my vision was black. I didn't know wether I was on the brink of death, or if I was already dead. All I felt was the constant crushing on my heart.

"Please.." I begged, knowing it could hear me.


A familiar voice broke through the pitch black. I ignored it, fearing that if I opened my eyes I would succumb to the agonizing torture once again. Every time I felt myself slip further into this darkness his voice pulled me back.

Come back to me, Jade. There he called again. It was like his voice was a strong grip that refused to let me go.

Just let me go. I said.

No can do, love. Stay with me. His voice was louder now and more clear.

And that was when I saw it. It was distant, but it was a light.

I gasped awake, shooting up into Klaus' secure arms. He laid me back down on my back, wiping the sweat that stuck on my face with a hand towel.

And then he disappeared.

I turned my head, suddenly feeling so tired. The pain was gone, but I could feel myself growing weaker by the second.

"Stay with me Jade."

Captivate (Klaus Mikaelson) ***ON HOLD***Where stories live. Discover now