The audience roared as we walked out waving to everyone. Niall shook the smart looking interviewers hand then sat down; I then mimicked his actions and took the seat next to him.

"Welcome boys how are you both?" Ryan asked turning in his chair to face us.

"Yeah good thanks mate."

"Great thanks!" I added

"That's great to hear, so getting straight to the point your management phoned us up and told us there was something you wanted to share with the world. Now we are all very excited to hear what this news is so come on spill the beans!" Ryan looked between both Niall and I seeing who would be the one to speak.

I want to be the one to tell the world about how Niall is my boyfriend and tell everyone how much I care about him but my nerves are all over the place and I can feel my heart racing in my chest. I looked to Niall and he must have seen the fear in my eyes so he turned taking a deep breath and faced the audience and camera.

"Well basically I'm going to just come out and say it because there isn't a way to ease into it. Me and Harry are dating, as in a couple were in a relationship together. Now I just want to say really quickly I know not all of you will support this and I know it's not the ship you like but we're happy. We make each other happy and that's all that matters to us. We still love you all and we would appreciate your support but we do understand if you don't. Just please don't send hate!" Niall took my hand in his and placed it in his lap as we both looked to Ryan.

"Alright there you go then. You heard it here first. Harry and Niall are officially dating and now you all know the truth. After the break we're going to answer some questions from the studio audience, see you in 5!"

The camera cut out and the makeup artists quickly came to fix all our messed hair and little blemish's. Ryan shook both our hands before running off somewhere to do something before the show started again. With just seconds to spare Niall and I took our seats as Ryan rushed back on stage on the count of two then we were on again.

"And we're back. So let's go straight to our first question." Ryan spoke and a security guy walked around the audience with a microphone to hand to people. "You at the back!"

A small brunette girl who looked like she was about 15 stood up and began to speak.

"Oh hi boys," she blushed then continued. "I was erm just wondering when you first realised you liked each other?"

"Well actually I've liked Niall since the first tour, there was just something about him that drew me toward him, when all the Larry rumours started I was rather shocked that people hadn't clocked on to me liking Niall, at least you all now know that Louis and I are just friends and it's Niall I truly care for!" I spoke with confidence.

"It's more of a recent thing with me. Something about Harry caught my attention earlier this year and I was confused by my feelings, I decided to do something about it and I kissed him. That's when I knew for sure." Niall answered and took a hold on my hand.

"Ok that's cute, next question. You in the front!" Ryan said pointing to another person in the audience.

"Aww Narry is so cute!" She gushed standing up and it felt good to hear someone say Narry instead of Larry. "Ok so my question is how long have you guys been keeping this a secret?"

"We haven't been trying to keep it a secret but we did start seeing each other at first to see how things went before we came out to the public for a few weeks maybe just over a month. We've been official for a couple days now!" Niall explained as I rubbed small circles into the palm of his hand.

"Ok we have time for one more question." Ryan spoke and then picked someone from the middle.

"Alright my question is are you in love?"

Wow that was unexpected. We have just told them we've only been official for a couple days and now this girl was asking if we're in love. What am I supposed to say to that? I do kind of love Niall, I've had feelings for him for a very long time but I can't tell him that for the first time on TV in front of everyone.

"I wouldn't say we're in love as of yet, it's only been a few days officially but I do care for him very much!" Niall said thankfully, I'm so glad I didn't have to answer.

"Alright guys, that's all we've got time for today. Thank you for watching and be sure to tune in next week. Goodbye!" Ryan waved off the camera then turned to us and shook our hands once again.

Everything was all finished for today so after signing a few autographs and taking a couple pictures with fans I drove myself and Niall back to my place for the night. We plan on having a simple night in together just the two of us no interruptions. I wonder what will happen!

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