He would soon describe Demi and how he felt about her. Her talent and her love for writing.

✏Her voice is so soft and filled with life, even if she doesn't like to talk much. The only person I have seen her talk in my classroom is Liam Payne. Makes sense they are both really shy and quite. From what I have heard from another one of my students. She's an amazing person and it very honest. Every time I look into her eyes it's as if I have seen them in another life. Her eye, there's just something about them that I don't get. What is it about her eyes that makes me feel as if I have been reborn in some way. What is it? After the second time I ask her to stay after school, she become more honest with me. I manage to gain her trust with only talking a few times. There something about her that I don't understand but I love it. It's like a mystery that you will never solve but you keep trying no matter what. I have never had this feeling before wanting to know somebody so badly. What is happening?✏

Harry wrote down the last few words on the paper as he relax into his chair. Looking at the time, his eyes widen as he saw the time. Five minutes until 2 in the morning. Getting up from his chair as he check his window. Pushing the curtains to one side as he didn't see any headlights coming closer to the house. Rolling his eyes as he drop the curtains. He walk to his room but not before punching the wall. He push his curls backwards with his hand as he grab his phone. Plugging it into the charger as he place it on his nightstand. Taking off his shirt as he grab his pajamas. Putting on his tank top shirt as he drop his pants. Grabbing a pajamas bottom that his mom had gotten him last Christmas. Collecting his clothes he took off as he headed to the bathroom. Lucky they had their bedroom and bathroom connected. Placing his clothes inside the basket as he walk to the sink. He brush his teeth after he had spit he look into the mirror. Biting his bottom lip as he place his toothbrush into the small cup. Cleaning his mouth as he walk out of the bathroom. Turning off all of the lights as he took off the blankets from the bed before he lay on it. Laying on his back as he look at the roof. He could hear Demi's soft singing voice as it created a smile on his face. His smile soon disappear as he thought about Kendall. He truly does love her but ever since this year started its as if something has happen that he doesn't understand. His eyes were getting heavier by every passing minute. Within 10 minutes of laying down he had fallen into a deep sleep.

The sun was coming threw his windows pass his curtains hitting his body over the covers. He had his arms between a pillow hugging it. He let out a groan as he heard his alarm clock going off. Getting his arm up as he hit the snooze button, as his finger turn off the alarm. Grabbing the pillow in front of him as he push his body off the bed. Rubbing his eye with his knuckle as he push his body off the bed. He did his morning routine as usual. He was whistling as he walk down the steps ready to go. Heading into the kitchen as he grab an apple. Throwing it up at the air before catching it again in his hand. Walking to the front door not before something caught his eye. Or more like somebody. Taking a few steps back to see into the living room was Kendall sleeping peacefully. It created a smile on his face looking at the time on his watch as he figure he had enough time to at least put her to bed. Placing his things on the coffee table before picking her up. He made sure not to wake her up as he took her upstairs to their bedroom. He tucked her in before laying a soft kiss to her forehead. Taking a step back as he smile at her. Walking out of the room as he still had a smile on his face. Going down the stairs as he grab his things from the coffee table before heading out the front door. Locking the door double, checking that it locked as he headed to his car. He soon was driving to his job.
Within arriving to his classroom, he had pulled out his phone to send a good morning text to both Kendall and Demetria. Putting his phone inside his pocket as he decided to get ready for the students. Writing down today's objective on the corner of the bored. Hearing the bell ring after 5 minutes as he look up at the clock. Sure enough it read 7:30AM. He took a deep breath as he continues to finish writing his lesson done. Hearing his door open as he knew it would be students. He could hear all the movement behind him as he place the cap on the marker. Turning around as he smile at his class.

"Good morning everybody "

Throughout the rest of the day it was normal. When he went to go eat lunch he got ask about why one of his students always stay after school with him. Harry got nervous as his hands starts to sweat. Making up an excuse as he simply said that she was struggling in his class. Which was far from the truth. Demi was one of his best students, his favorite actually. The other teacher nodded their head and continue their conversation. Once Harry finish his meal, he decided to leave. Grabbing his bag and pile of ungraded papers. Pushing in his chair as he walk out of the teacher's lounge. Walking back to his classroom as he could hear all of the kid's voices when he passed by the cafeteria. Turning his head and looked at the other teachers who were on lunch duty. He continued to walk as he finally reach his classroom. Taking out his keys as he unlock the door. Stepping in as he turn on the lights. Walking to his projector as he plugged in his computer. Typing in his password as he pulled up his lesson for the day. His eyes went up as he check the view of it. Checking the time as he saw he still had plenty of time left. Walking to his desk as he went threw his bag. Taking out his notebook as he grab his pen. He began to scribble onto the notebook as he felt time passing by quickly. Before he knew it he heard the bell ring. Closing his book as he put it inside his bag. For the next hour, he help the students that weren't fully understanding the lesson. Time escape him as the bell caught him off guard. Standing up straight as he look at his watch.

"Alright class that it for today. What you didn't finish is for homework."

Walking to his desk as he could hear them walking out or putting things away. He started to get butterflies in his stomach as he thought about his next class. He didn't know why he was getting them but he sure did know for who they were meant. Wanting to put his focus on something else as he check that he had everything ready. He then heard the door being open, turning around as many kids were having small talk. He smile at some of the students who said hi to them. His eyes got distracted as he saw the that cause a spark in his heart. Her long brown had soft curls in them that fell beautifully behind her back. She was wearing a black and white strip shirt, that she match with black leggings. It wasn't much yet it always took his breath away. The only time this had happen with Kendall is when she was all dressed up. Never in casual clothes, what made Demi so different. Other then she had created a spark where he never thought would happen again. For a brief moment they made eye contact that made a shiver go down in both of their spins. Harry clears his throat as he took a step in the middle of the classroom.

"Good afternoon everybody."

For the next 30 minutes or so he taught with everything he could. Making sure everybody understood as he walk in between the students desk. When he pass by Demi's desk he couldn't help but let his arms drop from his back and "accidentally" touch her. He felt a rush of electricity running between his body to hers. He continued to walk forward as he felt Demi's eyes on the back of his head. He knew that she also felt what happened. Checking his watch as he saw that they only had five minutes left in class.

"Alright everybody start cleaning up. Make sure that there isn't any trash lying on the floor. What you didn't finish is for homework."

He watch as everybody clean up and put things away. He walk to his desk as he look down at the paper he needs to grade. Sitting down as he grab his red pen. His students created small talk between themselves but the conversation that caught his attention was in the far back. Tilting his head to their direction as he listing in closely.

"Hey Dems. Do you want to go to the movies today? They have the tickets half price. Didn't you say you wanted to see that new movie Slit ? I will pay for you."

Harry's eyes would go to Demi's as he look at her expression. She was smiling at him as she nodded her head saying yes. A jab of jealousy hit him hard. He bite his tongue not wanting to show his emotions to anybody. He watch as they both stood up and walk out of the classroom. Harry began to tap his foot on the floor as he started to control his anger. Why was he angry for ? He couldn't understand what was happening. Until five minutes after everybody left he finally understood. He had developed feelings for his students. That was the moment he knew he didn't fooled himself imagining that spark. That when he realizes that they had a spark. Tomorrow he will tell her how he feels about her. Tomorrow will be the day when he felts her that he had fallen head over heels for her.
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