Camila was almost sure Lauren was asleep. She hadn't stopped crying, Camila's tights were soaked at this point. But her breathing evened itself out. Until she spoke up.

"I think I need to be in there to support my mom. I mean my grandmother and her were close. We all were. Even you were close with her." Lauren explained.

Lauren had gotten the call the her grandmother had passed a couple nights ago. Thank god they had a couple off days before they made their way to London. They had to leave tonight, a couple hours after the funeral. Which made Lauren feel like shit knowing she couldn't stay with her family.

"I love you." Camila rasped.

"One more time." Lauren cracked a small smile.

"I love you." Camila dipped her head and placed a kiss on Lauren's temple.

"Did she love me?" Lauren sat and laid her head on her girlfriends shoulder.

"Lauren of course." The older girl nodded.

The green eyed girl stood up. She wiped her dress off and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"She would look at me like I was crazy if she saw me crying over her. Dinah too, that girl is always crying." Lauren joked.

"Loca." Camila retorted with a slight spanish accent. She offered a warm smile and interlocked her hand with Lauren's.

The couple made their way back into the church. Lauren should be with her family. Camila couldn't drive a get away car this time.

"Oh, Camila. I'm so glad you came mija. Thank you so much for being here." Clara placed a kiss on the younger girls cheek.

"You know I wouldn't miss it for the world." Clara gave a concerned glance in Lauren's direction.

"She okay?" Clara whispered to Camila. Lauren was observing the patterns on the colorful stained glass windows.

"She's just sad. We'll be fine. You know she's always safe with me." Camila soothed.

Camila poked Lauren in her side to get her attention. The older girl turned around and smiled. She wrapped her arm around her girlfriends waist and rested her head on Camila's shoulder.

"Just a couple more hours then we can go catch a movie or something before we have to leave. All 5 of us. I know it's not exactly ideal, going to your grandmothers funeral and then performing the next day but," Camila but her lip. She wished there was something she could do. But if anyone was to try to convince management to push the concert date back, it would definitely not be Camila. "I wish I could do more baby."

"You're gonna make me cry again."

"Do you know how many times you told me to stop crying about it because we're supposed to celebrate her life. I listened to you rehearse your speech for hours earlier today. I cried the whole time and you just kept telling me to knock it off." Lauren giggled slightly and shook her head.

"She would have told you to know it off with the crying." Lauren nodded. Camila was right. Her grandmother was always joking around, she was never a really serious person. She always made light of situations. Joked around and laughed in situations where she should have done the complete opposite.

"Yeah let's see a movie after this. I know Dinah's been killing to see Moana."

The rest of the funeral service went by quietly. There were lots of tears shed. Especially from Lauren and Camila.

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