Extra Chapter- An Exchanging Of Words

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(This extra chapter was written mostly for nostalgias sake, a bit of a last hurrah for this book and the characters, the boys all grown up. Well, I suppose they'd be men, but they'll always be my boys.

I cried many times while writing this chapter, and I don't mean delicate 'single tear down the cheek' I mean I was bawling and sounded like a seal being kicked in the fucking throat, but everything must come to an end. As I face this final curtain, although it hurts to let go, it also brings a smile to my face to know that this book has made at least one person smile. I'm sad to end this book, yes, but I'm happy to leave it peacefully. I'm happy that this book was as fun for me to write as I hoped it would be. As I'm writing this message I keep thinking back to old times in the book, the first time they got high in the treehouse, crashing the wedding, Brendon and Dallons first kiss and I keep smiling at all those memories. I hope you smile too.

Thank you and good night)

"So on a scale of nothing to Taco Bell, how much are you shitting yourself right now?" Tyler asked as I fixed my tie yet again, I smiled at his phrasing.

"The Taco Bell whole menu in a blender forced down my oesophagus and out the other side" I admitted making Billie snort as he tied Mikes tie for him, just like he did when we were teenagers.

Yes, for whatever reason Dallon asked me to marry him, insane, right? Naturally I freaked the fuck out and said yes. There isn't even another valid answer.

He proposed on New Years, he timed it perfectly so I said yes and as we shared are first kiss the clock struck midnight, I like to think of it as symbolism for me and Dallon starting our new chapter together.

The fights between groomsmen were tough but on my side I've got Billie, Gerard, Tre and Mike and on Dallons side he's got Frank, Pete, Patrick and Kenny. Tyler and Josh only came into my dressing room to bug me, not that I mind the distraction my step brother offered.

"Of course you'd make it about Taco Bell" Josh muttered with an amused yet loving glance at his fiancé, Tyler stuck his tongue out in response.

"Okay fuckers, we've got like two minutes so if you've gotta go to the toilet do it now" Gerard announced with a smile at me at the end, Billie started laughing to himself. "What now, Armstrong?"

"Do it now or forever hold your peece" he said chucking again at the end of it, even I started laughing.

"God Billie, that was a shit joke" Tre responded making himself and everyone accept Gerard laugh.

"It's been 10 years and I haven't changed my friendship group, am I mentally ill?" He asked himself as he pushed me out of the way of the mirror to check his own hair.

"Wow? Did you just admit that we were friends? This truly is a magical day" Mike said from the corner earning Gerard flipping him off from over his shoulder.

"Jeez, that's an over-the-shoulder fuck you" Josh said amused, after about a minute him and Tyler had to go find their seats, then Tre and Mike left to go stand next to the altar so when I arrived they'd be next to me, but Billie and Gerard stayed behind for a few moments longer.

"It feels weird, doesn't it? This whole 'new chapter' stuff" Billie mused coming to stand on my left side.

"Yeah, it's exciting though" I respond.

"Of course it is, your husband is hecka fuckable" Gerard joked appearing at my left side, I laughed and Billie flicked him on the forehead, but also cracked a smile.

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