N- Surprised

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"Maybe now that he's lulled you in to a false sense of security he's going to kill you?" Billie suggested as I paced up and down my kitchen, pacing is a hobby of mine. I would say I'll try to stop but it's probably one of the only things that keeps me physically active.

Is that healthy? Probably not.

Billie and Gerard were suggesting where Dallon could be taking me today, Billie seems to be pretty convinced that he's a murderer.

"Doubted, if he really wanted to kill Brendon he would've done it already. Brendon's too annoying" Gerard said spinning slightly on one of the two kitchen stools next to the island in my kitchen, Billie sat on the one next to him with his head in his hands.

I gave Gerard a glare for the 'annoying' comment even though I knew he was more than justified.

"That's a good point, perhaps he's just trying to sell you to a man for money" Billie said making yet another great suggestion, Gerard scoffed aloud signalling his disagreement to the statement.

"Thank you!" I let out exasperatedly, completely thinking that Billie was in the wrong.

"Who the fuck would wanna buy Brendon?" Gerard followed up and Billie nodded in agreement, I let out a huff of annoyance.

Even though they're probably right, that's not the point.

"Maybe for some kind of kink prostitution where they gag him so he can't speak" Billie suggested with a smirk.

"Fucking stop it!" I snap, completely finished with the conversation. They both began snickering at my outburst showing that that was what they wanted, they like getting a reaction out of me. The mischievous look they shared has been shared for many years now. Even if neither of them will ever admit it they love each other like brothers, they're inseparable.

Their laughing was interrupted by a knock on the door, after glaring at them both for a few seconds I went to open the door.

Luckily I had gotten ready before Gerard and Billie decided to invade my house so I didn't look awful, I had made myself look pretty nice. Even though it was inevitable that Dallon would look nicer.

Annoyingly he wouldn't tell me where he was taking me even though I spent all goddamn day asking him.

"Hey Bren" he said with a small smile when I opened the door, he had a nice jacket on and he made his hair a bit less messy today. It still has the 'I didn't put in too much effort' messy look but because it's Dallon there are still a few hairs not following the rest of them.

"Hey babe" I respond getting up on my tip toes to kiss him softly on the lips for a few seconds.

"Ew, enough with the PDA" Gerard said from the kitchen doorframe where he stood slumped with a coffee making a disgusted sound.

"PDA is public displays of affection, if it's in Brendon's house it isn't public" Billie said cleverly appearing next to Gerard with a smirk, Gerard rolled his eyes and hit Billie in the chest making Billie chuckle to himself.

"Right, listen up. We want him home by 12 at the latest, got that?" Gerard said sounding like a strict mom, laughing softly at the end "but seriously, treat him right or you'll have 7 men on quest to punch you in the gut, okay?"

"I will, don't worry about that" Dallon responded seriously, Gerard glared at him for a few seconds before breaking out into a smile and nodding at Dallon before leaving back into the kitchen.

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