M- Lying Is The Most Fun✔️

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I woke up to a steady beating noise in my ear, I opened my eyes just enough to look at my surrounds and saw that my head was on a chest, Dallons chest. The light filtering through my curtains was annoyingly bright and directed on to my face making me huff in annoyance.

Goddamn sun, what's it ever done for anyone apart from like, keep us all from freezing.

I moved back slightly but was kept close to Dallon by his arms around me tightening as if even when he was unconscious he didn't want to let me go.

I vaguely recall the events of last night, him being tired and me saying he could share my bed with me as it was too dangerous for him to go home.

So now here we were, in nothing but our boxers entangled beneath my bedsheets, I wasn't complaining about Dallons tight grip around me as it brought me closer to him so I could take his body heat as my own.

"Baby?" I heard a low murmur above me, I move around so I was laying beside the newly Dallon and we were face to face, arms and legs still around each other.

"Good morning" I say quietly with a smile, Dallon smiled a sleepy smile.

"What time is it?" He asked following it up with a yawn and a stretch, pretty difficult from his current position I can imagine.

"Time you got a watch" I reply quickly with the worst, most overused dad joke ever made, he let out a sigh but smiled, I turned over grabbing my phone checking the time. "It's 12:39 pm"

"Cool" he responded, sleepily dragging me back into him, I buried my face in the crook of his neck and sighed with content. This few fleeting moments of calm was soon interrupted though.

"Wait, is it Monday today?" Dal asked as he began rubbing circles into my bare hip making me shiver.

"Yeah, why's that?" I ask instinctively curling up in to a ball on Dallons side.

"Shit! School!" He exclaimed sitting up leaving me to look at his defined back from where I was still laying down.

I'm not fucking sitting up, fuck that.

"Who cares" I answer dismissively, shuffling over to right behind Dallon going in to the section of bed that had his body heat left on it.

"You might not, but I'm a teacher Bren!" He explained with a long sigh and a hand through his hair "how am I gonna get away with this?"

"Lie" I respond like it's the most obvious thing in the world, to be fair it basically is. When you fuck up you lie, they're the rules.

"What? No!"

"Why? Lying is fun" I try to reason while running the backs of my fingers up and down his spine, really I just didn't want him to leave me.

"You didn't let me finish" he complained turning to look at me "I was gonna say that I'm not going to lie, that makes it sound really bad, I am however going to bend the truth" he said with a mischievous look in his beautiful eyes.

Pushing himself off of the bed he headed over to where his trousers were folded on the floor, because for what ever reason he insisted on folding them, and pulled his phone out the pocket. His actions weren't the part of him I was paying attention to though, I was far too preoccupied with looking at his almost naked body.

Last night it was dark, this is the first time I'm seeing Dallon almost naked in decent lighting and it's fair to say I'm enjoying myself.

"Enjoying the view" he asked cheekily smirking at me, I'm pretty sure I blushed but I kept my voice even.

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