- What A Beautiful Wedding ✔️

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Me and Dallon went back to my house and had Chinese food, not good Chinese food, but Chinese food none the less. We snuggled on the sofa and watched a few movies before he had to go back to his house so he could make it to school on Tuesday, for that I went to call him a nerd but then I remembered that it was his job. I've decided that in a little ball on Dallon's lap is my favourite place to be, it's just so warm and comfy.

It's Thursday now, I've not seen him since Monday because of the shitty timetables, but we've been texting. Now I can understand Gerard's bitching when he hasn't seen frank in a few days even if they text, typing can never be the same as having a face to face conversation.

Or a face on face conversation, they're fun too.

I'm currently on my way to school, hands shoved deep in to my pockets, even then my hands were shaking slightly. I've decided I'm not friends with December, it's way too fucking cold. Then again many people have called me that before as well.

Needless to say when I didn't only see Billie sitting on his wall, but the entirety of our friendship group I was a little bit confused.

'Friendship group', I make myself sound like a middle school girl way too often.

"It's wedding crashing day!" Gerard yelled as he saw me walking up the road, he stood up on billies front garden wall and did a little happy dance.

"It is? Yes! Free food and alcohol!" I yell back speeding up to get to them, I could see Pete's van parked a way down the road.

'Wedding crashing day' is exactly what it sounds like, we crash a wedding, I know, innovative naming. To be clear we don't ruin the wedding or mess it up in any way, we just go for the free food and drink.

We're bad people, but we're not so horrible that we feel the need to ruin someones "best day ever".

Everyone began walking to the van, but Billie made the mistake of stopping to stretch and, me being me, I took that as an opportunity to leap on to his back and use him as a kind of horse.

Billie is basically a free mode of transport to us all at this point.

He stumbled forwards a bit but regained his balance quickly, with a loud sigh he placed his hands beneath my thighs holding me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. for such a short person Billie had surprisingly big shoulders, it was quite comfortable.

"What, no 'Urie get the fuck off me' ?" I ask teasingly as Billie walks in the direction of the van, poking him in the cheek multiple times for fun.

"I don't see the point, you don't listen anyway" he muttered, he's got a point, I hopped off of his back as we approached the van and jumped in. There was a pile of our suits in bags in the corner, we keep suits in here for occasions like this. We're pretty experienced in this.

Also none of us do anything else other than this that would involve suits and we are far too lazy to move them.

We each grabbed the bag with our suits in them and began to change, difficult with all of us in the back of a moving van trying to change at once. We usually end up falling in to each other a bit like dominoes.

"Hey, got our first hit! There's a wedding a few miles away of a Hayley and Ashley Williams" Mike said checking his phone as Billie did his tie for him, Mike can't do ties. He said 'I don't need that cultured shit in my life' so Billies done his tie ever since.

"Let's get drunk!" Tre yelled enthusiastically, clapping like a kid, although, thinking about that kids probably aren't allowed to get drunk.

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