H- Love At First Sight ✔️

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(Hi, just saying if you'd ever like to get in contact with for questions/just to talk to me feel more than free to message me on here (whether that be through comment, DM or writing on my message board) and I'll see what you're saying. Also edited chapters have a ✔️ next to them. And, of course, welcome to Mr Weekes

One hell of a ride)

This book is dedicated to Robyn TM, the strongest, most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of knowing

You are a warrior, and I am so proud of you.

Ugh, fuck school.

I sighed as I walked through the hallways pulling my black bag tighter on to my shoulder, I fucking hate this place, I really do. It's an institution of sadness and teen angst. It sucks ass that we are forced to go here everyday.

I hate everything about it, and everyone in it with the exception of my two friends, some of my only friends.

Most of the people here suck, there are only a few that are tolerable and an even smaller amount that I like. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a particularly picky person when it comes to friends, but most of the people here are really awful.

Billie Joe Armstrong and Gerard Way are the only two people in this hellhole I don't actively despise, I talk to other people, but I don't like anyone else that much. These two are on the same wavelength as me, we work well together because all of our goals align- cause trouble and fuck stuff up.

Speaking of my favourite losers, I headed to Gerard's locker, as I knew him and Billie would be there. This is where they were before classes every morning, I usually walk to school with Billie but I was almost late this morning so I told him to go without me meaning the poor bastard's had to have been here longer.

It's pretty easy to spot Gerard from a distance because of his bright red hair and continuously changing jackets, as well as Billies messy black hair and death glares with his eyeliner smudged a bit. They're pretty hard to miss actually, maybe that's why I like them, I like being out of the ordinary.

Being normal is boring.

"Hey ladies, who feels like ditching today?" I ask approaching my friends with a smile, we ditch a lot, who actually attends all their classes anyway? We've gotten good at ditching too as we've never been caught.

Well, a lot of people attend all of their classes actually, but who cares?

"Uh, hell no. We've got English first" Gerard says turning to me from the locker, I gave him a crazy look, Gerard never cares about school, none of us do. Maybe he's gone mad. "Don't get me wrong, I give minus two shits about the subject, but apparently the new teacher is hot"

Oh, that's why he cares. Of course.

Gerard is openly gay and proud, often going as far as to flaunt it, Billie is bi and so am I but we're both pretty under the radar. Admittedly a few people put two and two together with me and work it out themselves (I'm pretty flamboyant), but Billies pretty low key about everything.

"Wait, you've got Frank, why do you care about a new teacher? Even if he is hot" I ask slightly confused, Frank is Gerard's boyfriend of about 6 months now. He's quite quiet but pretty cool.

"Brendon, sweetie" Gerard said patronisingly placing a hand on my shoulder "just because a guy has loyalty card to a certain shop doesn't mean he can't go window shopping"

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