She walked out on the pitch and met the two boys. Oliver Wood was a few years older than her and was the Captain of her Quidditch team. She played a Chaser normally, but when they couldn't find a good Seeker, she was happy to fill in the role. The twins played the Beaters on the team, and Alicia and Angelina, her dorm mates, were the other two Chasers.

Harry beamed at her as he saw her, making Amanda smile and laugh.

Oliver and Amanda opened the box cautiously, with Amanda ready to attack a Bludger to the ground if it escaped. Neither did, so Amanda hopped on her broom.

Oliver firstly showed Harry the Quaffle, and then chucked it in the air. Amanda dived for it, before racing across the field, chucking it to the side before catching it again to demonstrate passing the ball to another player. She lobbed it at the hoops, getting the ball through the middle one.

Amanda flew down and quickly grabbed a Beater's bat and flew back up. She nodded at Oliver, who released a Bludger. She zoomed up to it and smacked it with all her strength. It zoomed away, and she chucked the bat to Harry, who managed to hit through one of the hoops, making her beam.

He was a born Quidditch player.

She landed on the ground, and as the Bludger zoomed back down to them, she tackled it, holding it tightly and shoving it back into its spot, belting it in place.

Oliver released the Golden Snitch, and she demonstrated looking for it, finding it and catching it.

She then gave her broom to Harry, who practiced with charmed golf balls, as Oliver packed the balls away and she changed back into her school uniform.

Oh, her dad would be proud.


Amanda walked into the Great Hall and sat down next to the twins. She grabbed a meat pie and started to eat, explaining that Harry was going to be the Seeker for the team.

The twins cheered and she grinned, happy that for once, everything seemed completely normal in her life.

She excitedly explained that he was going to be joining the practice sessions the next time one of them came up. For a while, Harry was going to borrow her broom while she borrowed one of the school brooms.


A little while later, Harry received a parcel. He opened it with Amanda, and she gasped when she saw that Harry had gotten a Nimbus 2000.

She glanced up at Minnie. She knew Professor McGonagall as Minnie since she was a baby, as Minnie had been great friends with her original parents. She was almost like a grandmother to her.

Minnie was looking at the siblings, a smile on her face. They hadn't known each other properly for very long, and she could already see the sibling bond.

Amanda mouthed a 'thank you' to her and she beamed.

The two had discussed it a week ago about buying Harry a new broom. Amanda had given her permission to use the Potter account for Harry's broom, but she had declined.

Amanda helped Harry carry his broomstick up to the dorms, but they were stopped by a blond boy with two other boys stood behind him.

"Who are you?" Amanda asked in a sweet voice, laced with warnings. She already knew one of them, but she did not want to show that in front of her little brother.

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